This latest 2016 NBCC ethics code establishes the minimum ethical behaviors and provides an expectation and assurance of ethical practice for all who use the professional services of NCC’s (National Certified Counselors). Furthermore, it provides an enforceable set of directives and serves as a resource for service patrons in the case of a perceived violation. Objectives:a.) Define ethical behaviors and best practices for National Certified Counselors (NCC’s) including the counselor’s integrity, commitment, and responsibility to the client.b.) Describe the ethical-decision making processes that NCC’s are expected to utilize when faced with ethical dilemmas.c.) Identify ethical considerations related to the counseling process such as the use of counseling plans, informed consent, client’s rights, and termination and referral practices.d.) Evaluate the counselor’s ethical commitment to other professionals, students, and supervisees as well as to the mental health profession and to the public.Instructional Level: Intermediate.Instructor(s): Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA.Material Author(s): National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. and Affiliates (NBCC) For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at Materials :