
Harnessing Neuroplasticity


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Now more than ever, we understand that the brain functions as a social organ in the present moment. Through our own minds, and “brain-to-brain” communication with our clients, we can promote resilience and facilitate healing in the therapy room. Attend this highly experiential workshop and learn how to fine tune your own flow of empathy with the help of mirror neuron activation, prevent burnout by accessing the reward system in your brain, and better attune to clients using practical, alliance-building techniques!In addition to this live online event, all attendees will be given free, unlimited access to the accompanying video series of this workshop. This allows attendees to review information taught in the presentation as desired, in order to better digest the material! This also means that attendees can focus on fully experiencing the workshop, without the need to take notes or commit every piece to memory. Attendees also have permission from the presenters to share pieces of these videos with clients for psychoeducational purposes.Objectives:a. List at least three neurological processes associated with experiencing trauma and those that aid in developing resilience after trauma.b. Define “top down” and “bottom up” processing approaches, and state one way they differ.c. Learn and practice experiential tools and techniques that activate mirror neurons and facilitate the therapeutic alliance.d. Describe how trauma may be triggered within clients’ intimate relationships and the client-provider relationship.e. Utilize cognitive techniques to access the reward system to prevent burnout with challenging clients.Instructional Level: IntermediateInstructor(s): Allison Broennimann, PhD & Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MAMaterial Author(s): Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MAFor additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at content@onlinececredits.com.