Certificate in EMDR Therapy Skills

Now offering a payment installment plan (use the second sign-up form below)!





**This comprehensive clinical training program confers an EMDRPT-I® post-nominal certification credential through Mind Works Professional Education, Inc. **

Our EMDR programs and associated credentials are exclusively affiliated with and available through Mind Works Professional Education, Inc. and Online CE Credits. EMDR certification is provided by various entities across the US and abroad, but continuing education certification is not regulated nor owned by any one particular education provider, association, or broker. Individual state regulatory authorities solely determine scope, competency, and legal right to practice, as is true for any other therapy modality (CBT, DBT, etc.). To determine the quality and legitimacy of your educational investment, we encourage you to look at the experience and education-level of your trainer, cost of the program, ongoing requirements if there are any, quality level of the learning platform, and established reputation of the education provider.

This program was originally recorded live as a 5-day core EMDR skills training. Seasoned international EMDR trainer Megan Salar delivers both core theory and skills-based instruction to ensure you have at your fingertips everything you need to know to begin using EMDR effectively with your clients. This course will cover the fundamental practical concepts of EMDR including: the methodology of the EMDR model, the Adaptive Information Processing System, the “3 Prong Approach”, original 8 phase model, resourcing techniques, desensitization, reprocessing, safety and stabilization, and more. Scroll down on this page to see a full program outline.


Program Courses

Part 1 Description

In Part 1 of this training you will learn the overview of the EMDR model, basic trauma neurobiology and why this is essential in utilizing and applying EMDR skills, assessment, screening, safety and stabilization, psycho education and resourcing techniques. You will review the 8 phase model as a whole and be given the opportunity to practice these initial skills (i.e. take a break from instruction and attend one or several of your included consultation hours). This section of training will include instruction, demonstrations, and more.


Part 2 Description

Part 2 of this training will focus on Phases 3-8 of Shapiro’s original 8-phase model, along with the overall implementation of EMDR processing. You will learn how to utilize EMDR in your sessions with clients, apply the specific desensitization techniques, address blocks, incorporate interweaves, integrate attachment/parts based strategies, and deploy modifications of the classic EMDR model. This portion of training will be taught through lecture, demonstrations, and more.






This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:

1. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the neurobiology of trauma.
2. Identify and explain the importance of memory networks and neural networks of trauma.
3. Learn and understand the adaptive information processing (AIP) system of EMDR.
4. Identify and explain the 3 prong approach of EMDR.
5. Learn and practice the classic 8 phase model of EMDR.
6. Develop and implement the use of dual awareness techniques as they apply to bilateral stimulation.
7. Identify and screen for signs of risk and symptoms of dissociation in the client.
8. Review  and discuss the factors of readiness when implementing EMDR.
9. Identify strategies for gathering trauma history, identifying feeder memories, and constructing a treatment plan.
10. Utilize psycho education techniques as they relate to trauma and the use of EMDR.
11. Learn and implement 3 different resourcing strategies within the preparation phase of EMDR.
12. Review and discuss effective forms of bilateral stimulation techniques and how to assess which is appropriate for client needs.
13. Apply the EMDR protocol with clients.
14. Assess when and how to use the bridge back/bridge forward technique.
15. Identify and assess for feeder memories as targets within EMDR.
16. Learn and practice engaging clients in desensitization during phase 4 of EMDR.
17. Learn and understand how to assess for and identify reprocessing during an EMDR session.
18. Learn and practice incorporating Phase 5 of the installation of EMDR within an EMDR session.
19. Identify strategies to assist clients in working through blocks or set backs during EMDR.
20. Learn 3 modification strategies to utilize for specialized cases.
21. Identify when to utilize restricted processing within the EMDR process.
22. Learn how to close incomplete and/or unfinished EMDR sessions.
23. Learn and practice implementing appropriate closure, safety and confidentiality techniques within EMDR.
24. Assess various considerations helpful with children & adolescents and other specialized populations when using EMDR.
25. Review and identify ethical considerations important in the use of EMDR.
26. Learn and apply attachment-based EMDR techniques.
27. Implement crisis intervention techniques within EMDR.
28. Learn effective ways to incorporate EMDR via Telehealth and in-person modalities.


 Can I Practice EMDR After I Earn This Certificate?


Program Instructor

  • Megan Salar, MSW, ACADC

    Megan Salar, MSW, ACADC, is an EMDR Clinician, Trainer and Author who earned her Master's Degree in Clinical Social Work from Northwest Nazarene University in 2011. She has been extensively trained on the use of EMDR and other trauma-based interventions, and she specializes in the areas of trauma, abuse, attachment and substance abuse. Megan has trained thousands of clinicians across the U.S. and internationally to help them get the most out of EMDR, trauma and addiction treatment skills and evidence-informed best practices. Megan is the author of "EMDR Workbook for Trauma and PTSD: Skills to Manage Triggers, Move Beyond Traumatic Memories, and Take Back Your Life", released by New Harbinger Publications in May of 2023. She is set to release "EMDR for Dummies" with Wiley Publishing in May of 2024. Megan previously owned/operated an intensive outpatient treatment center that was voted best in practice in 2019. She currently owns and operates her own Counseling, Consulting, and Training Business and is passionate about genuinely changing the landscape of mental health and trauma treatment through an authentic hands-on perspective that is uniquely her own.

 Please fill out the form below to enroll in our EMDR Certificate program with a single payment. 

To enroll on a Payment Plan, scroll down to the Payment Plan Sign-up Form.


ATTENTION: If you are an “Everything Plan” member, you should not enroll and pay here. Your benefits include access to this and all Certificate Programs!!


Enroll On a Payment Plan (4 payments of $173)

Please fill out the form below to enroll in our EMDR Certificate program on a 4-month Payment Plan – get access immediately! 


ATTENTION: If you are an “Everything Plan” member, you should not enroll and pay here. Your benefits include access to this and all Certificate Programs!!

Included in this certificate program (23 CE's) is...


Comprehensive, understandable, step-by-step instruction in how to practice the Original 8-Phase Model of EMDR, complete with recorded demos and supplemental learning tools you can use with your clients in practice.


Methodology of the original EMDR model, the Adaptive Information Processing System, the “3 Prong Approach”, resourcing techniques, desensitization, reprocessing, safety and stabilization, and more.


Implementation of EMDR processing – addressing blocks, integrating attachment/parts based strategies, and deploying modifications of the classic EMDR model.


Considerations for EMDR with children an adolescents, the deployment of EMDR via telehealth, important ethical considerations, and tips for using EMDR in high risk or crisis intervention scenarios.


Free admission to up to four, 1-hour consultation groups to troubleshoot your most difficult trauma or EMDR-specific cases.

Why Choose Us?

Why Choose Our Foundational Intensive “Certificate Program” in EMDR?

EMDR is a leading, evidence-based therapy that can effectively treat PTSD (and other trauma sequelae) in many clients! Thus, mastering EMDR therapy skills is critical for psychotherapists specializing in the treatment of trauma and PTSD. However, easily accessible training in EMDR therapy is often difficult to find, and most existing programs are prohibitively expensive. And, traditional certification in EMDR can require many months to complete, and frequent renewal is required to maintain certification. Unfortunately, these barriers dissuade many clinicians from learning essential trauma treatment skills that could bolster their practice and help their clients in an effective, efficient manner.

This comprehensive certificate program provides you with the key strategies and techniques you need to learn to begin integrating EMDR skills into your clinical practice. And, you can do it in about 23 hours, which is consistent with the amount of time most clinicians require to learn other evidence-based, trauma-focused therapies such as Prolonged Exposure, CBT, and Cognitive Processing Therapy. Much like many of the trainings you’ll find on these other modalities, this certificate program does not require that you pay money over and over just to keep your certificate. We believe that when you’ve gained EMDR skills, you don’t lose them after one year, or five years. Just as you don’t have to earn your degree over and over, or learn CBT over and over in order to practice it, EMDR therapy skills and competence are improved over time, not lost, so long as you continue to practice EMDR skills. If you find that you’re getting a little rusty, or feeling a little tentative, we welcome you to attend our group consultations in trauma treatment, retake your foundational EMDR course module at no additional cost, or register for additional EMDR courses on our platform. Individual consultation sessions with an expert EMDR trainer are also available if you’d like some dyad practice or more individualized help.

When you earn your foundational Certificate in EMDR Therapy Skills, it becomes a credibility marker that can help you communicate to potential clients that you’re ready and excited to help them using EMDR! And because the program certificate and its conferred EMDRPT-I® certification credential doesn’t expire, you don’t have to worry about anyone telling you to stop listing it on your website, directory listings, etc.

We’re eager to help you start your EMDR therapy skills learning adventure! If you have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at cc@onlinececredits.com.

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