by Tim Cassidy | Nov 24, 2022 | Live Events
You are currently registered to attend:
Trauma Treatment Lunch ‘n Learn With Dr. Jennifer Sweeton (1 CE’s)
***This 1-CE live webinar is being hosted by The Guidance Center – Arizona
Date and Time
February 17, 2023
12:00pm – 1:00pm CENTRAL TIME
If you miss this live event, you may request access to the recording and materials from us by email in about 4 weeks, at no additional charge. If you miss the event but still desire CE credit, you have already acknowledged at registration that you must purchase the home study course separately once it becomes available in about 4 weeks.
A beginning code word will be given at the start of this workshop verbally, as well as typed at the top of the chat dialogue within the first 10 minutes of the webinar. An ending code word will be given at the conclusion of the workshop verbally as well as typed into the chat dialogue.
We are only permitted to give these out once. These code words are used to verify attendance as required by our national CE provider credentialing bodies. Therefore we ask that you take special care to be present and pay attention as these code words are given so that you can log attendance to receive a CE completion certificate.
The event starts at 12:00pm CENTRAL TIME. You will be given a code word at the beginning and end of the workshop.
After the event concludes, within 3 days you must access the course module for your event under “Your Courses” in your Online CE Credits Dashboard (you’re taken to the Dashboard immediately after logging into Once there, scroll all the way down to the Course Content section where you’ll see the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and Evaluation “quiz.” Click the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and answer the beginning and ending code words. From there, you’ll be taken to the Evaluation module to complete a short eval before receiving your official signed completion certificate for “live” CE credit.
Below are the webinar links for both the Zoom livestream and the materials in the Google Drive:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 919 2253 1999
Passcode: 268051
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,91922531999#,,,,*268051# US (Tacoma)
+13462487799,,91922531999#,,,,*268051# US (Houston)
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 719 359 4580 US
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 360 209 5623 US
+1 386 347 5053 US
+1 507 473 4847 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 689 278 1000 US
Meeting ID: 919 2253 1999
Passcode: 268051
Find your local number:
Materials will be in the folder by Friday morning.
by Jeff Riggenbach, Ph.D. | Nov 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
Date course created: November 2022
We all have them. Those clients that make us want to pull our hair out! You know, the ones that just don’t seem to improve like the others on your caseload? They argue. They avoid. They don’t do homework. They discount their progress and the progress of others. They know more than you do. They don’t trust anyone. They make threats, have emotional outbursts, and play coy when you are only trying to get information to help them.
Psychotherapy research has made unthinkable gains in recent decades. We now have evidence-based protocols for dozens of clinical conditions, and clients are experiencing outcomes their parents and grandparents couldn’t have dreamed of. Clinicians also have a plethora of new tools at our disposal, many of which can be useful for clients with a variety of differing diagnoses. Thus, it can be easy for practitioners to slip into a rut of regularly pulling out the same “go to” tools from the therapeutic toolbox regardless of the client’s unique presentation. And as Mark Twain is often credited with saying, “if all you have is a hammer, everything you see looks like a nail.” However, we all still run into those clients that don’t respond to standard protocols. Some even seem to have aversive reactions to the tools that we have become used to using regularly that so many clients find helpful. These clients can leave clinicians feeling frustrated, stressed out, and sometimes even defeated. There is hope!
Join award-winning author and international expert in the field of personality dysfunction Dr. Jeff Riggenbach for this refreshing look at how personality and addiction issues often complicate treatment undermining client outcomes, and learn what you can do about it. Incorporate motivational exercises, dialectical behavior therapy strategies, and schema modification interventions into your work. You’ll learn how to help individuals struggling with addictions, paranoia, aggression, lack of empathy and other dysregulated emotions not only get well, but stay well. Leave this enjoyable, information packed 6-hour course feeling invigorated to help your “stuck” and “difficult” clients take meaningful steps toward creating a life worth living – Oh, and you might even learn to enjoy the process more and save yourself some hair along the way!
**This is a 5.5-CE noninteractive, self-paced online video course delivered in home study format via an industry-standard online learning platform**
00:00 – 01:00: Integrated Treatment Model
01:00 – 02:00: Conceptualization and Treatment Planning
02:00 – 03:00: Various Client Types
03:00 – 04:00: Various therapeutic approaches
04:00 – 05:00: Relapse Prevention, Intimacy Circles, Interpersonal Effectiveness Exercises
05:00 – 05:40: Warning Signs for Relapse
This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:
a). After completing this training, participants will be able to understand the 5 specific Characteristics that make clients “difficult.”
b). After completing this training, participants will be able to discover why mainstream treatment doesn’t work with certain populations and leave with 5 key elements to incorporate into your approach.
c). After completing this training, participants will be able to integrate evidence-based modalities including CBT, DBT, and Schema Therapy into a practical and cohesive treatment approach.
d). After completing this training, participants will be able to learn 3 maladaptive coping response styles and gain insight into how they, when unaddressed, perpetuate client problems and contribute to relapse.
e). After completing this training, participants will be able to acquire case conceptualization skills useful for individualizing treatment planning and driving effective treatment.
f). After completing this training, participants will be able to develop/hone diagnosis specific treatment skills for multiple DSM 5 conditions including addictive behavior disorders and borderline personality disorders.
g). After completing this training, participants will be able to discern the cognitive and behavioral makeup of 3 cross-cutting symptoms including paranoia, narcissism, and non-suicidal self-injury, and learn effective intervention strategies for each.
h). After completing this training, participants will be able to learn 3 red flags for relapse and learn what to do to prevent it more times than not.
Target Audience:
Mental Health Clinicians & Therapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Counselors, School Personnel, Healthcare Workers, and anyone from the general population interested in learning more about how to handle “Difficult People”!
Instructional Level: Intermediate
Instructor(s): Jeff Riggenbach, PhD
Material Author(s): Jeff Riggenbach, PhD
Jeff Riggenbach, PhD is a best-selling and award-winning author who has earned a reputation as an international expert in cognitive approaches to treating personality disorders. Over a 20-year period, he has developed and overseen CBT-based treatment programs for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, addictive behavior disorders and personality disorders at two different psychiatric hospitals and clinics serving over 3,000 clients at multiple levels of care. Dr. Riggenbach trained at the Beck Institute of Cognitive Therapy and Research in Philadelphia, is a Diplomat of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and is a certified cognitive therapist. He has trained over 20,000 professionals worldwide including audiences in all 50 United States, The UK, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Dr. Riggenbach is the author of seven publications including his most recent clinical release The CBT Toolbox (2nd ed): A Workbook for Clients and Clinicians (2021) and his brand new general audiences book “Disarming High Conflict Personalities: Dealing with the 8 Most Difficult People in Your Life Before you Burnout!” (2022). Jeff is known for bridging the gap between academia, research findings, and day-to-day clinical practice, and his work has earned him the reputation for being “the practical tools guy.” His seminars on CBT, DBT, and Schema-Focused Cognitive Therapy routinely receive the highest evaluations from conference participants in terms of clinical utility as well as entertainment value.
For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at
Course Materials & Delivery Method:
- Course materials – The course is composed of a recorded presentation and written materials (e.g. a slide deck and/or other worksheets, manuals, or handouts as provided by the instructor). The slide deck and any additional worksheets or handouts (as provided by the instructor) are made available inside the Lesson module after a course is purchased.
- Delivery Method – this course is a recorded asynchronous, self-paced webinar training, and there is no access time limit or due date to complete it once enrolled. The enrolled learner will stream the recorded presentation and view the materials from their internet connected device via an industry-standard online learning platform.
CE Approvals:
Online CE Credits has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6795. Programs that do not quality for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Online CE Credits is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Mind Works Professional Education, Inc. DBA Online CE Credits, #1974, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: July 23, 2024 – July 23, 2025. Social workers completing this course receive 5.5 clinical continuing education credits.
Other Helpful Information:
- Refund & Cancellation Policy – you may review this policy at any time by clicking here.
- Accessibility Accommodations – if you require a reasonable accommodation for any reason, please email your request to
- Course Completion Requirements – 1.) View the entire Lesson module (accessible from the main course page), to include the embedded and/or linked presentation video(s), slide deck, additional materials, and/or links to any shared video clip(s) that may have been edited from the presentation video(s) to comply with copyright laws. 2.) Click into the Quiz module accessible from either the main course page or the Lesson page and complete the Quiz with an 80% or better pass rate. 3.) Complete the course evaluation – you’ll be sent to the evaluation automatically once you successfully pass the Quiz.
- Posttest Requirements – you must answer 80% or more of the Quiz questions correctly to pass. If you fail to pass the first time, you may attempt the quiz again until you are able to pass with a score of 80% or better. Quizzes are graded instantly and automatically by the learning management system once your attempt is submitted.
- Certificate of Completion – certificates of completion are automatically generated – downloadable from your Dashboard and emailed to you – once you view the Lesson materials and complete the Quiz and the course evaluation.
- How to Enroll – Login to the website first if you already have a user account. If not, you will create your permanent user account login information during course enrollment. Select the appropriate course library using the top menu of the website. Once inside your chosen course library, find and select your desired course to be taken to the main course page. Click the button on the top banner to enroll. When the order window pops up, enter your details and place your order. You will be emailed an enrollment confirmation message, and you’ll be sent to a landing page instructing you how to begin your newly enrolled course.
- System Requirements –
- Recommended Devices: Desktop, Laptop, or Tablet computer. (Note: Our platform is mobile responsive and may be fully accessed from a connected smartphone).
- Suggested Browsers: Updated version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.
- Recommended Network: Home wifi, ethernet, or a public wifi with VPN (Note: agency or corporate networks are often equipped with restrictive firewalls that may adversely impact your experience on our platform).
- Recommended speed/bandwidth: Minimum download speed > 20Mbps and minimum upload speed > 6Mbps.
by Tim Cassidy | Nov 15, 2022 | Live Events
You are currently registered to attend:
Sensorimotor Therapy Techniques for Trauma Treatment: Practical Skills* (6 CE’s)
Date and Time
9:00am – 4:30pm CENTRAL TIME
June 16, 2023
If you miss this live event, you may request access to the recording and materials from us by email in about 4 weeks, at no additional charge. If you miss the event but still desire CE credit, you have already acknowledged at registration that you must purchase the home study course separately once it becomes available in about 4 weeks.
A beginning code word will be given at the start of this workshop verbally, as well as typed at the top of the chat dialogue within the first 10 minutes of the webinar. An ending code word will be given at the conclusion of the workshop verbally as well as typed into the chat dialogue.
We are only permitted to give these out once. These code words are used to verify attendance as required by our national CE provider credentialing bodies. Therefore we ask that you take special care to be present and pay attention as these code words are given so that you can log attendance to receive a CE completion certificate.
The event starts at 9:00am CENTRAL TIME. You will be given a code word at the beginning and end of the workshop.
After the event concludes, within 3 days you must access the course module for your event under “Your Courses” in your Online CE Credits Dashboard (you’re taken to the Dashboard immediately after logging into Once there, scroll all the way down to the Course Content section where you’ll see the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and Evaluation “quiz.” Click the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and answer the beginning and ending code words. From there, you’ll be taken to the Evaluation module to complete a short eval before receiving your official signed completion certificate for “live” CE credit.
Below are the webinar links for both the Zoom livestream and the materials in the Google Drive:
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Friday Jun 16, 2023 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Sensorimotor Therapy Techniques for Trauma Treatment: Practical Skills (6 CE’s)
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 928751
Or One tap mobile :
+19292056099,,91836926239#,,,,*928751# US (New York)
+13017158592,,91836926239#,,,,*928751# US (Washington DC)
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 689 278 1000 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
by Tim Cassidy | Nov 8, 2022 | Live Events
You are currently registered to attend:
DBT Tools to Help Stubbornly Resistant and Reactive Clients (3 CE’s)
Date and Time
September 29, 2023
9:00am – 12:00pm CENTRAL TIME
If you miss this live event, you may request access to the recording and materials from us by email in about 4 weeks, at no additional charge. If you miss the event but still desire CE credit, you have already acknowledged at registration that you must purchase the home study course separately once it becomes available in about 4 weeks.
A beginning code word will be given at the start of this workshop verbally, as well as typed at the top of the chat dialogue within the first 10 minutes of the webinar. An ending code word will be given at the conclusion of the workshop verbally as well as typed into the chat dialogue.
We are only permitted to give these out once. These code words are used to verify attendance as required by our national CE provider credentialing bodies. Therefore we ask that you take special care to be present and pay attention as these code words are given so that you can log attendance to receive a CE completion certificate.
The event starts at 9:00am CENTRAL TIME. You will be given a code word at the beginning and end of the workshop.
After the event concludes, within 3 days you must access the course module for your event under “Your Courses” in your Online CE Credits Dashboard (you’re taken to the Dashboard immediately after logging into Once there, scroll all the way down to the Course Content section where you’ll see the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and Evaluation “quiz.” Click the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and answer the beginning and ending code words. From there, you’ll be taken to the Evaluation module to complete a short eval before receiving your official signed completion certificate for “live” CE credit.
Below are the webinar links for both the Zoom livestream and the materials in the Google Drive:
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
Friday Sep 29, 2023 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
DBT Tools to Help Stubbornly Resistant and Reactive Clients (3 CE’s)
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 289388
Or One tap mobile:
+13126266799,,91782790389#,,,,*289388# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,91782790389#,,,,*289388# US
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 507 473 4847 US
+1 564 217 2000 US
Webinar ID: 917 8279 0389
Passcode: 289388
International numbers available:
by Jodi Ann Geis-Crowder, MS, LPC, ACS | Nov 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Date course created: November 2022
Let’s face it, boundaries in therapy are icky! It’s uncomfortable, it’s awkward, and it is entirely OUR job to manage them in order to ensure therapy is successful, both parties are protected, and our clients get value from our services. They can determine whether you get paid, they can determine whether your client shows up for a session, they can determine whether you keep a caseload or not, and they can even determine whether or not you keep your license and your career. So many considerations, such an important topic for all of us!
Please join us to increase your knowledge and insight into appropriately setting ethical boundaries in challenging situations with clients. Jodi Geis-Crowder will shed light on how the behavioral health care industry is reflected in our media, social media and culture, and how that reflection impacts expectations of clients. Jodi will also provide a checklist you can use in mandatory disclosure to easily begin artfully deploying ethical boundaries to help you manage expectations throughout the therapeutic relationship. She will also share a number of juicy case examples to challenge your ethical decision-making and help you navigate ethical dilemmas when they arise. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to be fully engaged, challenged, and entertained as you knock out some of your ethics CE requirements, explore the art of boundaries in therapy, and further develop your ethical decision-making expertise!
**This is a 3-CE noninteractive, self-paced online video course delivered in home study format via an industry-standard online learning platform**
00:00 – 01:00: Setting Boundaries and Managing Challenging Clients
01:00 – 02:00: Suicidal Blackmail and Safety Planning
02:00 – 02:40: Ethical Decision-Making Models and Consultation
This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:
a). After completing this training, participants will be able to identify three reasons why mandatory disclosure is one of the most important aspects of client care and setting the stage for boundaries from the first session.
b). After completing this training, participants will be able to develop your own checklist/script for mandatory disclosure and identify three areas that are crucial to include to protect your professional liability.
c). After completing this training, participants will be able to define ethical client boundaries and identify at least three approaches that assist a therapist to manage clients that push boundaries while preserving the therapeutic relationship.
d). After completing this training, participants will be able to define transference and countertransference and two approaches that you can take to manage it in a therapeutic relationship.
e). After completing this training, participants will be able to define suicidal blackmail and identify two risk management approaches to keep clients safe and limit your professional liability.
f). After completing this training, participants will be able to identify two situations in which social media and the media impact how clients perceive the therapeutic relationship.
g). After completing this training, participants will be able to identify three ways that you can safely market your practice while maintaining professional boundaries with marketing and social media.
h). After completing this training, participants will be able to identify two reasons why a clear fee schedule is a necessity and how to manage monetary challenges without contaminating the therapeutic relationship.
i). After completing this training, participants will be able to define your own ethical decision-making model and identify three points that should be part of your model.
j). After completing this training, participants will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the importance of obtaining a supervisor or consultant by identifying two ways that consulting with another professional can assist you to set clear boundaries and protect your professional liability.
Target Audience:
The target audience for this event includes psychologists, social workers, counselors, MFT’s, and other clinical mental health professionals.
Instructional Level: Intermediate
Instructor(s): Jodi Ann Geis-Crowder, MS, LPC, ACS
Material Author(s): Jodi Ann Geis-Crowder, MS, LPC, ACS
A native of Wyoming, Jodi holds an Associate of Science Degree in Education from Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Sciences with areas of emphasis in psychology, economics, political science and anthropology, and a Master of Science Degree in Counselor Education and Human Development with an emphasis in Leadership from the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming. She holds professional counseling licenses in good standing in Colorado (LPC-2476, March 2000) and Wyoming (LPC-1602, September 2016), is an Approved Clinical Supervisor, a certified Solution Focused Brief Therapy practitioner, is a trainer for Professional Case Management and Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling, holds a certificate in the Human/Animal Bond from the Denver University Graduate School of Social Work, has studied and gained numerous continuing education credits in the area of the human/animal bond, has been registered with three therapy dogs (2005, 2010 and 2019) and is a tester/observer for Alliance of Therapy Dogs, a national credentialing organization for therapy dog teams headquarter in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Jodi’s passion for culturally meaningful human/animal bond and agriculture related services in rural areas resulted in her developing animal assisted therapy programs for two community behavioral health centers: Centennial Mental Health Center in Northeast Colorado and Peak Wellness Center in Southeast Wyoming. She also developed a therapeutic horticulture program while at Centennial Mental Health Center. Jodi has held positions as a clinician, clinical coordinator, clinical supervisor, regional clinical director, telehealth clinical supervisor and education and training coordinator in her years in community behavioral health. In addition to the program development mentioned above, Jodi was the architect for and developed a centralized telehealth clinical supervision model for Peak Wellness Center.
For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at
Course Materials & Delivery Method:
- Course materials – The course is composed of a recorded presentation and written materials (e.g. a slide deck and/or other worksheets, manuals, or handouts as provided by the instructor). The slide deck and any additional worksheets or handouts (as provided by the instructor) are made available inside the Lesson module after a course is purchased.
- Delivery Method – this course is a recorded asynchronous, self-paced webinar training, and there is no access time limit or due date to complete it once enrolled. The enrolled learner will stream the recorded presentation and view the materials from their internet connected device via an industry-standard online learning platform.
CE Approvals:
Online CE Credits has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6795. Programs that do not quality for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Online CE Credits is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Mind Works Professional Education, Inc. DBA Online CE Credits, #1974, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: July 23, 2024 – July 23, 2025. Social workers completing this course receive 3 ethics continuing education credits.
Other Helpful Information:
- Refund & Cancellation Policy – you may review this policy at any time by clicking here.
- Accessibility Accommodations – if you require a reasonable accommodation for any reason, please email your request to
- Course Completion Requirements – 1.) View the entire Lesson module (accessible from the main course page), to include the embedded and/or linked presentation video(s), slide deck, additional materials, and/or links to any shared video clip(s) that may have been edited from the presentation video(s) to comply with copyright laws. 2.) Click into the Quiz module accessible from either the main course page or the Lesson page and complete the Quiz with an 80% or better pass rate. 3.) Complete the course evaluation – you’ll be sent to the evaluation automatically once you successfully pass the Quiz.
- Posttest Requirements – you must answer 80% or more of the Quiz questions correctly to pass. If you fail to pass the first time, you may attempt the quiz again until you are able to pass with a score of 80% or better. Quizzes are graded instantly and automatically by the learning management system once your attempt is submitted.
- Certificate of Completion – certificates of completion are automatically generated – downloadable from your Dashboard and emailed to you – once you view the Lesson materials and complete the Quiz and the course evaluation.
- How to Enroll – Login to the website first if you already have a user account. If not, you will create your permanent user account login information during course enrollment. Select the appropriate course library using the top menu of the website. Once inside your chosen course library, find and select your desired course to be taken to the main course page. Click the button on the top banner to enroll. When the order window pops up, enter your details and place your order. You will be emailed an enrollment confirmation message, and you’ll be sent to a landing page instructing you how to begin your newly enrolled course.
- System Requirements –
- Recommended Devices: Desktop, Laptop, or Tablet computer. (Note: Our platform is mobile responsive and may be fully accessed from a connected smartphone).
- Suggested Browsers: Updated version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.
- Recommended Network: Home wifi, ethernet, or a public wifi with VPN (Note: agency or corporate networks are often equipped with restrictive firewalls that may adversely impact your experience on our platform).
- Recommended speed/bandwidth: Minimum download speed > 20Mbps and minimum upload speed > 6Mbps.