Live – EMDR Skills: A Comprehensive Step-By-Step Workshop

Live – EMDR Skills: A Comprehensive Step-By-Step Workshop

You are currently registered to attend:



EMDR Skills: A Comprehensive Step-By-Step Workshop (12 CE’s)


January  6, 2022


January 7, 2022


9:00 am – 4:30 pm CENTRAL TIME




Due to increasing Covid-19 cases, we have canceled the in-person event. In-person ticket attendees will still be able to attend the event virtually. 
All attendees will attend the interactive Zoom meeting with the option to participate in breakout rooms as well as interact directly with Dr. Sweeton and other attendees.
If you miss this live event, you may request access to a previous similar recording, at no additional charge. If you miss the event but still desire CE credit, you have already acknowledged at registration that you must purchase a similar previously produced home study course separately. It is available here for 8.75 home study CE’s.
A beginning code word will be given at the start of this workshop verbally, as well as typed at the top of the chat dialogue within the first 10 minutes of the webinar. An ending code word will be given at the conclusion of the workshop verbally as well as typed into the chat dialogue.
We are only permitted to give these out once. These code words are used to verify attendance as required by our national CE provider credentialing bodies. Therefore we ask that you take special care to be present and pay attention as these code words are given so that you can log attendance to receive a CE completion certificate. 



The event starts at 9:00am CENTRAL TIME. Lunch break is from 12:00pm to 1:00pm both days. You will be given a code word at the beginning and end of the workshop.
After the event concludes, within 3 days you must access the course module for your event under “Your Courses” in your Online CE Credits Dashboard (you’re taken to the Dashboard immediately after logging into www.onlinececredits.com). Once there, scroll all the way down to the Course Content section where you’ll see the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and Evaluation “quiz.” Click the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and answer the beginning and ending code words. From there, you’ll be taken to the Evaluation module to complete a short eval before receiving your official signed completion certificate for “live” CE credit.



Below are the webinar links for both the Zoom livestream and the materials in the Google Drive:


Online CE Credits is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: EMDR Skills: A Comprehensive Step-By-Step Workshop (12 CE’s)

Time: Jan 6, 2022 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
&  Jan 7, 2022 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Daily: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZAlceCrrDkpG91Nu3kRk_al61r1d4m1AdJs/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGspj0jGdaXsxiORpwIGo_oXenzpnpejfoMsgq2CBJYXQL6YLNQY7YrHYnxJoin Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84869322319?pwd=cTh5Mm93aHFLUkk1WGN4cmcwUFVIdz09Meeting ID: 848 6932 2319
Passcode: 877306

One tap mobile
+16465588656,,84869322319#,,,,*877306# US (New York)
+13017158592,,84869322319#,,,,*877306# US (Washington DC)
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 848 6932 2319
Passcode: 877306
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/klhPKdwpP

Link to the slides and supplemental materials:






Online CE Credits
Customer Care

Live – See My Color: Why Racial Colorblindness is Unethical

Live – See My Color: Why Racial Colorblindness is Unethical




You are currently registered to attend:



See My Color: Why Racial Colorblindness is Unethical (3 CE’s)



October 21, 2021


9:00 am – 12:00 pm CENTRAL TIME





The event starts at 9:00am CENTRAL TIME. You can ask questions in the Q & A section. You will be given a code word at the beginning and end of the workshop.

After the event concludes, within 3 days you must access the course module for your event under “Your Courses” in your Online CE Credits Dashboard (you’re taken to the Dashboard immediately after logging into www.onlinececredits.com). Once there, scroll all the way down to the Course Content section where you’ll see the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and Evaluation “quiz.” Click the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and answer the beginning and ending code words. From there, you’ll be taken to the Evaluation module to complete a short eval before receiving your official signed completion certificate for “live” CE credit.



Below are the webinar links for both the Zoom livestream and the materials in the Google Drive:



You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 21, 2021 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: See My Color: Why Racial Colorblindness is Unethical (3 CE's)

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Webinar ID: 814 3438 7015
Passcode: 394032
Or One tap mobile :
US: +13126266799,,81434387015#,,,,*394032#  or +16465588656,,81434387015#,,,,*394032#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 312 626 6799  or +1 646 558 8656  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 669 900 9128  or +1 253 215 8782
Webinar ID: 814 3438 7015
Passcode: 394032
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbf3SHOG93



Link to the slides and supplemental materials:





Online CE Credits
Customer Care

Live – Ethical and Legal Issues in Mental Health Treatment

Live – Ethical and Legal Issues in Mental Health Treatment



You are currently registered to attend:


Ethical and Legal Issues in Mental Health Treatment (3 CE’s)




October 15, 2021

9:00 am – 12:00 pm CENTRAL TIME




The event starts at 9:00am CENTRAL TIME. You can ask questions in the Q & A section. You will be given a code word at the beginning and end of the workshop.
After the event concludes, within 3 days you must access the course module for your event under “Your Courses” in your Online CE Credits Dashboard (you’re taken to the Dashboard immediately after logging into www.onlinececredits.com). Once there, scroll all the way down to the Course Content section where you’ll see the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and Evaluation “quiz.” Click the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and answer the beginning and ending code words. From there, you’ll be taken to the Evaluation module to complete a short eval before receiving your official signed completion certificate for “live” CE credit.



Below are the webinar links for both the Zoom livestream and the materials in the Google Drive:



You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Oct 15, 2021 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Ethical and Legal Issues in Mental Health Treatment (3 CE's)

Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Webinar ID: 885 7532 6653
Passcode: 137741
Or One tap mobile :
US: +16465588656,,88575326653#,,,,*137741#  or +13017158592,,88575326653#,,,,*137741#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 558 8656  or +1 301 715 8592  or +1 312 626 6799  or +1 669 900 9128  or +1 253 215 8782  or +1 346 248 7799
Webinar ID: 885 7532 6653
Passcode: 137741
International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbK7HprQZr



Link to the slides and supplemental materials:





Online CE Credits
Customer Care

Foundations and Applications of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Foundations and Applications of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Date course created: February 2021

This seminar provides instruction in the use of SFBT in clinical work and the skills needed to increase effectiveness and reach positive client outcomes. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge of SFBT fundamentals and how it developed into a model that focuses on solutions building versus problem solving. Discussion will include the trifecta or three parts of continued professional growth needed to gain skill and mastery in this model.



**This is a 5.25-CE noninteractive, self-paced online video course delivered in home study format via an industry-standard online learning platform**




00:00 – 01:00: Overview of SFBT

01:00 – 02:00: History of SFBT

02:00 – 03:00: Core Principles of SFBT

03:00 – 04:00: Three-part skeleton of SFBT

04:00 – 05:00: Practical applications of SFBT

05:00 – 05:30: Discussion



This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:

a). After completing this training, participants will be able to describe the brief history of Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT).

b). After completing this training, participants will be able to name at least two factors that influenced the pioneers of SFBT.

c). After completing this training, participants will be able to state the difference between problem solving and solution building.

d). After completing this training, participants will be able to define a client in SFBT.

e). After completing this training, participants will be able to name the eight principles of SFBT.

f). After completing this training, participants will be able to identify at least two interventions and questions in SFBT.

g). After completing this training, participants will be able to describe the three-part SFBT skeleton.

h). After completing this training, participants will be able to identify which interventions and questions fit in the three parts of the skeleton.

i). After completing this training, participants will be able to learn and practice the nuances of language needed to effectively use SFBT.

j). After completing this training, participants will be able to explain how to apply SFBT with specific populations and modalities, such as families, marital, adolescents and group therapy.

k). After completing this training, participants will be able to describe SFBT and Trauma informed care (SF-TIC).

l). After completing this training, participants will be able to name and describe “The trifecta.”


Target Audience:

Professional counselors, professional social workers, professional school counselors, licensed marriage and family therapists, psychologists, professional case managers and medical staff.


Instructional Level: Intermediate

Instructor(s): Jodi Ann Geis-Crowder, MS, LPC, ACS

Material Author(s): Jodi Ann Geis-Crowder, MS, LPC, ACS  

A native of Wyoming, Jodi holds an Associate of Science Degree in Education from Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Social Sciences with areas of emphasis in psychology, economics, political science and anthropology, and a Master of Science Degree in Counselor Education and Human Development with an emphasis in Leadership from the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming.  She holds professional counseling licenses in good standing in Colorado (LPC-2476, March 2000) and Wyoming (LPC-1602, September 2016), is an Approved Clinical Supervisor, a certified Solution Focused Brief Therapy practitioner, is a trainer for Professional Case Management and Ethical and Legal Issues in Counseling, holds a certificate in the Human/Animal Bond from the Denver University Graduate School of Social Work, has studied and gained numerous continuing education credits in the area of the human/animal bond, has been registered with three therapy dogs (2005, 2010 and 2019) and is a tester/observer for Alliance of Therapy Dogs, a national credentialing organization for therapy dog teams headquarter in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  Jodi’s passion for culturally meaningful human/animal bond and agriculture related services in rural areas resulted in her developing animal assisted therapy programs for two community behavioral health centers: Centennial Mental Health Center in Northeast Colorado and Peak Wellness Center in Southeast Wyoming.  She also developed a therapeutic horticulture program while at Centennial Mental Health Center.   Jodi has held positions as a clinician, clinical coordinator, clinical supervisor, regional clinical director, telehealth clinical supervisor and education and training coordinator in her years in community behavioral health.  In addition to the program development mentioned above, Jodi was the architect for and developed a centralized telehealth clinical supervision model for Peak Wellness Center.  

For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at content@onlinececredits.com.

Course Materials & Delivery Method:


  • Course materials – The course is composed of a recorded presentation and written materials (e.g. a slide deck and/or other worksheets, manuals, or handouts as provided by the instructor). The slide deck and any additional worksheets or handouts (as provided by the instructor) are made available inside the Lesson module after a course is purchased.
  • Delivery Method – this course is a recorded asynchronous, self-paced webinar training, and there is no access time limit or due date to complete it once enrolled. The enrolled learner will stream the recorded presentation and view the materials from their internet connected device via an industry-standard online learning platform.


CE Approvals:


Online CE Credits has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6795. Programs that do not quality for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Online CE Credits is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.


Mind Works Professional Education, Inc. DBA Online CE Credits, #1974, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: July 23, 2024 – July 23, 2025. Social workers completing this course receive 5.25 clinical continuing education credits.



Other Helpful Information:


  • Refund & Cancellation Policy – you may review this policy at any time by clicking here.
  • Accessibility Accommodations – if you require a reasonable accommodation for any reason, please email your request to cc@onlinececredits.com
  • Course Completion Requirements – 1.) View the entire Lesson module (accessible from the main course page), to include the embedded and/or linked presentation video(s), slide deck, additional materials, and/or links to any shared video clip(s) that may have been edited from the presentation video(s) to comply with copyright laws. 2.) Click into the Quiz module accessible from either the main course page or the Lesson page and complete the Quiz with an 80% or better pass rate. 3.) Complete the course evaluation – you’ll be sent to the evaluation automatically once you successfully pass the Quiz.
  • Posttest Requirements – you must answer 80% or more of the Quiz questions correctly to pass. If you fail to pass the first time, you may attempt the quiz again until you are able to pass with a score of 80% or better. Quizzes are graded instantly and automatically by the learning management system once your attempt is submitted.
  • Certificate of Completion – certificates of completion are automatically generated – downloadable from your Dashboard and emailed to you – once you view the Lesson materials and complete the Quiz and the course evaluation.
  • How to Enroll – Login to the website first if you already have a user account. If not, you will create your permanent user account login information during course enrollment. Select the appropriate course library using the top menu of the website. Once inside your chosen course library, find and select your desired course to be taken to the main course page. Click the button on the top banner to enroll. When the order window pops up, enter your details and place your order. You will be emailed an enrollment confirmation message, and you’ll be sent to a landing page instructing you how to begin your newly enrolled course.
  • System Requirements
    • Recommended Devices: Desktop, Laptop, or Tablet computer. (Note: Our platform is mobile responsive and may be fully accessed from a connected smartphone).
    • Suggested Browsers: Updated version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.
    • Recommended Network: Home wifi, ethernet, or a public wifi with VPN (Note: agency or corporate networks are often equipped with restrictive firewalls that may adversely impact your experience on our platform).
    • Recommended speed/bandwidth: Minimum download speed > 20Mbps and minimum upload speed > 6Mbps.
Foundations and Applications of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

Treating Clients With a History of Abusive Relationships

Date course created: January 2021

Clients with a history of abusive relationships tend to exhibit certain predictable behavior patterns, underlying emotional needs, and related cognitive distortions. Important topics and skills for helping clinicians and their clients identify these patterns and their underlying causes will be reviewed. This comprehensive course will review the evidence and breakthroughs provided by research as well as undoing past misconceptions and errors in prior research on codependency.

Areas of focus for the course will include the development and use of codependency, understanding DSM-5 Dependent Personality Disorder, attachment styles, and using specific treatment tools with clients. We’ll practice using the wheel of power and control, the four horsemen, the love languages, and the sound relationship house. We’ll discuss how to identify and work through transference issues that are common in treating clients with dependent traits as well as engage in thoughtful peer discussion of presented case vignettes. Recent research on treatment/symptom management for these clients will also be broken down into useful and practical counseling techniques. The seminar will include time for questions, practicing skills, and interacting with others in the course.



**This is a 5.5-CE noninteractive, self-paced online video course delivered in home study format via an industry-standard online learning platform**




00:00 – 01:00: Understanding Patterns in Abusive Relationships

01:00 – 02:00: Diagnosis and Symptomology of Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD)

02:00 – 03:00: Understanding Relationship Styles

03:00 – 04:00: Family Dynamics and Codependency

04:00 – 05:00: Leaving the Lab: Identity and Addiction

05:00 – 05:30: Discussion



This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:

a). After completing this training, participants will be able to define dependency and codependency.

b). After completing this training, participants will be able to explain the purpose of using roles in relationships.

c). After completing this training, participants will be able to identify at least five of the eight diagnostic criteria of DPD and one common impact of symptoms.

d). After completing this training, participants will be able to describe and use objectifiable measurements in unhealthy dependent emotional needs and behaviors.

e). After completing this training, participants will be able to identify patterns in healthy relationships.

f). After completing this training, participants will be able to name 5 family relationship styles as part of fostering dependent behavior.

g). After completing this training, participants will be able to implement at least one intervention for addressing feelings and behaviors of unhealthy dependency.


Target Audience:

Mental health counselors, psychologists, social workers, drug and alcohol counselors, marriage and family therapists, telehealth treatment professionals, and other clinical mental health professionals.


Instructional Level: Intermediate

Instructor(s): LeoDeBroeck MS, LMHC, CMHS, MHP

Material Author(s): LeoDeBroeck MS, LMHC, CMHS, MHP

Leo DeBroeck is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Child Mental Health Specialist in Washington State. He is CBT Plus certified through the University of Washington and Harborview Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress Center and works full-time at a community health center as a therapist with a team of Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers, Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners, and Psychologists. Mr. DeBroeck has completed his Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology at Eastern Washington University submitting his thesis on factors in suicide. He has experience working with children and adolescents at an intensive inpatient program in Spokane, Washington for several years. He has worked in several different levels of care for mental health treatment including long-term inpatient care, WISe wraparound intensive services, school-based therapy services, and outpatient clinical settings. Leo also works as a quarterly faculty lecturer for Eastern Washington University’s satellite campus at Bellevue College. He teaches night classes to graduate and undergraduates in foundations of psychotherapy, trauma: assessment, management, and treatment, cognitive and behavior change, and others. Leo has also published peer-reviewed scientific research on young adults related to suicidality and has written several children’s therapy books, which are published on Amazon, for use in therapy settings addressing grief, addiction, neglect, abuse, etc. Mr. DeBroeck is the president and founder of Counselor’s Choice Award, LLC which reviews and promotes scientifically validated counseling products, therapeutic tools, and books.

For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at content@onlinececredits.com.

Course Materials & Delivery Method:


  • Course materials – The course is composed of a recorded presentation and written materials (e.g. a slide deck and/or other worksheets, manuals, or handouts as provided by the instructor). The slide deck and any additional worksheets or handouts (as provided by the instructor) are made available inside the Lesson module after a course is purchased.
  • Delivery Method – this course is a recorded asynchronous, self-paced webinar training, and there is no access time limit or due date to complete it once enrolled. The enrolled learner will stream the recorded presentation and view the materials from their internet connected device via an industry-standard online learning platform.


CE Approvals:


Online CE Credits has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6795. Programs that do not quality for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Online CE Credits is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.


Mind Works Professional Education, Inc. DBA Online CE Credits, #1974, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: July 23, 2024 – July 23, 2025. Social workers completing this course receive 5.5 clinical continuing education credits.



Other Helpful Information:


  • Refund & Cancellation Policy – you may review this policy at any time by clicking here.
  • Accessibility Accommodations – if you require a reasonable accommodation for any reason, please email your request to cc@onlinececredits.com
  • Course Completion Requirements – 1.) View the entire Lesson module (accessible from the main course page), to include the embedded and/or linked presentation video(s), slide deck, additional materials, and/or links to any shared video clip(s) that may have been edited from the presentation video(s) to comply with copyright laws. 2.) Click into the Quiz module accessible from either the main course page or the Lesson page and complete the Quiz with an 80% or better pass rate. 3.) Complete the course evaluation – you’ll be sent to the evaluation automatically once you successfully pass the Quiz.
  • Posttest Requirements – you must answer 80% or more of the Quiz questions correctly to pass. If you fail to pass the first time, you may attempt the quiz again until you are able to pass with a score of 80% or better. Quizzes are graded instantly and automatically by the learning management system once your attempt is submitted.
  • Certificate of Completion – certificates of completion are automatically generated – downloadable from your Dashboard and emailed to you – once you view the Lesson materials and complete the Quiz and the course evaluation.
  • How to Enroll – Login to the website first if you already have a user account. If not, you will create your permanent user account login information during course enrollment. Select the appropriate course library using the top menu of the website. Once inside your chosen course library, find and select your desired course to be taken to the main course page. Click the button on the top banner to enroll. When the order window pops up, enter your details and place your order. You will be emailed an enrollment confirmation message, and you’ll be sent to a landing page instructing you how to begin your newly enrolled course.
  • System Requirements
    • Recommended Devices: Desktop, Laptop, or Tablet computer. (Note: Our platform is mobile responsive and may be fully accessed from a connected smartphone).
    • Suggested Browsers: Updated version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.
    • Recommended Network: Home wifi, ethernet, or a public wifi with VPN (Note: agency or corporate networks are often equipped with restrictive firewalls that may adversely impact your experience on our platform).
    • Recommended speed/bandwidth: Minimum download speed > 20Mbps and minimum upload speed > 6Mbps.