Live – DBT Theory and Skills Practice: An Interactive DBT Symposium

Live – DBT Theory and Skills Practice: An Interactive DBT Symposium

**This is a special 2-day, 12-CE webinar event.

This workshop will provide an overview of the core DBT interventions and discuss how to provide DBT flexibly with responsiveness to different presentations and cultural populations. Experiential exercises, case examples, and multimedia will be used to provide applied, practical, clinical learning. An overview of the history, theory, and model of DBT will be presented, alongside discussions of diverse applications of DBT for different diagnostic presentations, populations, and settings. Examples of skills from each skills module (Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness, and Distress Tolerance) will be presented and practiced.

The primary focus of this training is on how to provide DBT in a flexible, responsive, and individualized manner, while maintaining fidelity to DBT core principles and practices.


Regular Webinar Admission: $360 – Want to attend this event and any future event or course from our CE library AND professional development library for FREE and unlimited for the cost of $34.99/month for 12 months??!! Check out our Everything Plan here.


Attendance and Location Details


Date and Time


**Special 2-day, 12-CE Live event**


Day 1: Thursday, February 27, 2025, 10:30am – 6:00pm CST / 11:30am – 7:00pm ET / 8:30am – 4:00pm PT

Day 2: Friday, February 28, 2025, 10:30am – 6:00pm CST / 11:30am – 7:00pm ET / 8:30am – 4:00pm PT

*Zoom link will be made available to you 24-48 hours prior to event date




Day 1 Feb 27th :

1030am – 12pm: Theoretical Basis and Model of DBT
12pm – 12:15pm: Break
12:15pm – 1:45pm Distress Tolerance Part I: Crisis Survival Skills
1:45pm -2:45pm: Lunch
2:45pm – 4:15pm: Distress Tolerance Part II: Radical Acceptance
4:15pm – 4:30pm: Break
4:30pm – 6pm: Emotion Regulation Part I: Function of Emotions and Skills

Day 2 Feb 28th :

10:30-12pm: Emotion Regulation Part II: Values and Problem-Solving
12pm – 12:15pm: Break
12:15pm – 1:45pm: Interpersonal Effectiveness
1:45pm – 2:45pm: Lunch
2:45pm-  4:15pm: Mindfulness
4:15pm – 4:30pm: Break
4:30pm – 6pm: Bringing skills together in clinical practice


This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:

1. Learn and describe the core tenets, principles, and underlying theory of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).
2. Explain how the DBT model fits the presentation of Borderline Personality Disorder.
3. Define distress tolerance and its purpose.
4. Identify distress tolerance skills and their applications for common client problems.
5. Explain core crisis survival skills.
6. Explain the various functions of emotions and the role of emotion regulation.
7. Describe the Opposite Action skill and provide examples of its application.
8. Learn and understand emotion regulation strategies and how to integrate them into therapy.
9. State various examples of interpersonal effectiveness skills.
10. Explain how to help clients practice interpersonal effectiveness skills for common interpersonal challenges.
11. Demonstrate the unique use of mindfulness skills within DBT.
12. Explain the Wise Mind skill and its application to common client concerns.

Target Audience:

The target audience for this live webinar event includes psychologists, social workers, counselors, MFT’s, and other clinical mental health professionals.


Instructional Level: Intermediate

Instructor(s): Emily Wharton, PsyD

Material Author(s): Emily Wharton, PsyD

Dr. Emily Wharton is a Clinical Psychologist providing psychotherapy to individuals and couples in her private practice, and a Clinical Instructor at the Cognitive Behavior Institute, where she teaches courses in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Dr. Wharton has also served in roles of Clinical Assistant Professor (Affiliated) of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, and licensed clinical psychologist in the Palo Alto VA. She has provided supervision and training for VA and Stanford psychiatry residents, medical students, and psychology trainees in ACT, DBT, and MI. Dr. Wharton trained at the PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium, San Francisco VA, UCSF, and Palo Alto VA. Dr. Wharton has also served as the Member-At-Large Director for the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Wharton has given lectures and trainings for the Palo Alto VA, Stanford University, and the Association for Contextual and Behavioral Science. Dr. Wharton has published papers and book chapters on ACT for PTSD, ACT for moral injury, mindfulness practices for anxiety disorders, and group trauma-focused CBT for parents of preterm infants. Learn more about Dr. Wharton at

For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at

Featured Materials :

Course materials (including the link to join live events) are made available to live webinar attendees 24-48 hours before the event start time. Course materials for online asynchronous courses are found in the Lesson module after a course is purchased.

Live – Exposure’s Not The Only Way: Inference-Based CBT for OCD: Tools & Techniques

Live – Exposure’s Not The Only Way: Inference-Based CBT for OCD: Tools & Techniques

The idea of exposure-based therapy can be daunting for some clients suffering from crippling OCD. While ERP is the most well-known prescription for OCD, currently it is not the only evidence-based modality that is designed to tackle OCD. In fact, other options exist that do not rely on the exposure element for a successful treatment outcome. For many, I-CBT gets the job done as a stand-alone approach, backed by strong evidence of enduring positive outcomes in the face of OCD’s most challenging symptomatology.

Join us as we learn the ins and outs of Inference-Based Cognitive Behavior Therapy (I-CBT), a non-exposure based modality for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Using a very down-to-earth and accessible teaching style, this course is designed for therapists who come in with an with an existing framework for understanding and treating (OCD). While exposure and response prevention (ERP) is another wonderful tool in treating OCD, our toolboxes for treatment should be as varied as the individuals we serve. Join us as we take a deep dive into the mechanisms of change that make I-CBT such a wonderfully healing tool.



Cost: $180 – Want to attend this event and any future event or course from our CE library for FREE and unlimited for the cost of $34.99/month for 12 months??!! Check out our Everything Plan here.



Attendance and Location Details


Date and Time


Friday, March 28, 2025, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm CST / 10:00am – 5:30pm EST / 7:00am – 2:30pm PST



*Live Webinar Attendees: Zoom link will be made available to you 24-48 hours prior to event date



9:00am – 9:10am: Welcome (intro, agenda, attendance & housekeeping)
9:10am – 9:20am: I-CBT Overview (core concepts and mechanisms of change in the I-CBT process)
9:20am – 10:30am: When OCD Begins, (20 min) The “Logic” Behind OCD (25 min), & The Obsessional Story (25 min)
10:30am – 10:45am: Break
10:45am – 11:00am: Q&A
11:00am – 12:00pm: The Vulnerable Self-Theme (25-30 min), OCD Doubt is 100% Imaginary (15 min), OCD Doubt is 100% Irrelevant, (15 min)
12:00pm – 1:00pm: LUNCH
1:00pm – 1:15pm: Q&A
1:15pm – 2:15pm: The OCD Bubble (15 min), & Reality Sensing (20-22 min), A Different Story (20-22 min)
2:15pm – 2:30pm: Break
2:30pm – 2:45pm: Q&A
2:45pm – 3:45pm: Tricks and Cheats of the OCD Con Artist, (20-22 min) The Real Self, (20-22 min), Moving On and Relapse Prevention (10 min)
3:45pm – 4:00pm: Scales & Outcome Measures, Research RCT’s, Info & Bibliography
4:00pm – 4:15pm: Q&A
4:15pm – 4:30pm: Conclusion (attendance, evaluations, certificates & thanks)

Additional Tools, Resources, and Sources (slide deck)



This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:

a). Identify and describe the main mechanisms of change in the I-CBT process.

b). Learn and understand the 12 core module outlines of I-CBT and be able to help clients navigate the process.

c). Understand and describe the difference between reasonable and obsessional doubts.

d). Identify and describe the role of inferential confusion and how this relates specifically to OCD and the I-CBT model of treatment.

e). Understand the difference between the Feared Possible Self and the Real Self through an I-CBT lens.

f). Learn and apply the different scales, measurement tools, and screenings specific to I-CBT.

g). Gain a basic understanding of the research supporting I-CBT as an evidence-based treatment.

Target Audience:

Mental Health Clinicians & Therapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Counselors, School Personnel,  and Healthcare Workers.


Instructional Level: Intermediate

Instructor(s): Angela M. Henry, LCSW

Material Author(s): Angela M. Henry, LCSW

Angela M. Henry, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 20+ years of clinical experience. She is the owner of The Center for Collaborative Healing; a private practice in South Bend, Indiana. She specializes in the treatment of OCD, anxiety related disorders, body focused repetitive behaviors (BFRB’s), Tourette Syndrome, as well as trauma and PANS/PANDAS. Ms. Henry has created several webinars in her area of expertise, she participates in numerous podcasts, and is a requested speaker. Angela has sought extensive training in her areas of specialty. She has completed the hallmark Behavioral Therapy Training Institute intensive training course through the IOCDF (International OCD Foundation) and is a graduate of the Professional Training Institute through the TLC Foundation for BFRBs (Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors). She also completed specialized training from the Behavioral Therapy Institute (TS-BTI) in Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics (CBIT) for Tourette Syndrome and is a certified EMDR therapist. As an early adopter of I-CBT in the United States, Angela has received training and participates in on-going consultation from Dr. Frederick Aardema. She currently offers individual consultation as well as a bi-weekly consultation group to therapists wanting to enhance their I-CBT skills. Using a very down-to-earth and approachable teaching style, Angela helps fellow therapists gain trust in their own skills as they provide healing and bring their own gifts to the collaborative therapeutic table. For more information, contact Angela at

For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at

Featured Materials :

Course materials (including the link to view live events) are sent to webinar and in-person attendees 24-48 hours before the event start time. Course materials for online asynchronous courses are found in the Lesson module after a course is purchased.

Live – Micro-Certificate in Full Cluster DSM-5 Personality Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment

Live – Micro-Certificate in Full Cluster DSM-5 Personality Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment

**This is a special 2-day, 12-CE didactic micro-certificate program resulting in a PD-PT(i)® post-nominal credential through Mind Works Professional Education, Inc. **

Most clinicians assume they don’t need to know how to work with personality disorders because “that’s not the population I treat.” With the U.S. about 4% higher than the global average, about 10% of the American population meets criteria for a DSM-5 Personality Disorder (WebMD, 2021). Many more, closer to 30-40% of individuals in the U.S. carry at least two or more common features of a personality disorder. Comorbidity rates in this population for other mental health concerns like anxiety, mood disorders, impulse control, and substance abuse are much higher at 20-50%. If you work with trauma or substance abuse, you’re likely seeing personality disorders in 60-90% of those patients. Since prognosis for individuals with PD’s is relatively poor (i.e. these features are generally regarded as “fixed”), it is that much more important for clinicians to learn how to work with common PD behaviors and cognitions in order to be effective in their work.  

Personality disordered individuals are often considered to be some of the most difficult consumers of mental health services for therapists to treat effectively. Clearing the fog surrounding the different conditions and getting to the core of each individual client is vital to a successful treatment outcome. Drawing from the most recent literature, outcome trials, case studies and 20 years of clinical experience, Jeff Riggenbach, PhD will describe the latest evidence-based treatment options and show you how to avoid common pitfalls and therapeutic traps of these individuals who often leave clinicians feeling frustrated, stuck, and disheartened.

In this 2-day live and interactive micro-certification program, Jeff will describe each of the DSM-5 personality disorders and give you simple but effective engagement, management, and treatment techniques for each. Empirically supported strategies from DBT, CBT, and Schema Therapy will be incorporated into an integrated treatment approach that will transform the way your work with this challenging population. You will leave this experience not only with a new credibility marker, but most importantly you’ll leave feeling revitalized, hopeful, and more confident than ever to take on the hardest clients. Come away equipped with a new, comprehensive, empowering approach to assess, conceptualize, and treat this difficult population in a way that offers hope for clients and reinvigoration for providers. Scroll down on this page to see a full program schedule.



Attendance and Location Details


Date and Time


**Special 2-day, 12-CE Live event**


Day 1: Friday, June 6, 2025, 9:00am – 4:30pm CST / 10:00am – 5:30pm ET / 7:00am – 2:30pm PT

Day 2: Saturday, June 7, 2025, 9:00am – 4:30pm CST / 10:00am – 5:30pm ET / 7:00am – 2:30pm PT

*Zoom link will be made available to you 24-48 hours prior to event date



***Please see full, timed Program Schedule below***


This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:

1. Describe diagnostic criteria and explain key differential diagnosis considerations for each of the DSM-5 Personality Disorders.
2. Learn and utilize the personality spectrum to conceptualize clients and inform your treatment approach.
3. Learn to socialize the client toward an integrated approach to treatment in a way that enhances motivation.
4. Formulate individualized roadmaps to recovery for every client that will elicit buy-in and drive treatment from start to finish.
5. Discuss the 8 motivations for non-suicidal self injury (NSSI) and utilize effective interventions for each.
6. Explain the BPD diagnosis to clients and family in a way that decreases defensiveness.
7. Differentiate a “Borderline Mood Swing” from a “Bipolar Mood Swing” and learn how to intervene appropriately for each.
8. Implement empathic confrontation and schema mode work with narcissistic clients.
9. Develop trust in paranoid clients.
10. Manage rule-breaking behaviors in callous and unemotional patients.
11. Facilitate getting needs met in appropriate ways in your treatment of individuals with histrionic traits.
12. Identify 3 warning sign for relapse.


Program Schedule (4 pages):


Riggenbach Outline Personality Disorder 12-CE Micro-Certificate Program


Target Audience:

The target audience for this live webinar event includes psychologists, social workers, counselors, MFT’s, and other clinical mental health professionals.


Instructional Level: Intermediate

Instructor(s): Jeff Riggenbach, PhD

Material Author(s): Jeff Riggenbach, PhD

Jeff Riggenbach, PhD is a best-selling and award-winning author who has earned a reputation as an international expert in cognitive approaches to treating personality disorders. Over a 20-year period, he has developed and overseen CBT-based treatment programs for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, addictive behavior disorders and personality disorders at two different psychiatric hospitals and clinics serving over 3,000 clients at multiple levels of care. Dr. Riggenbach trained at the Beck Institute of Cognitive Therapy and Research in Philadelphia, is a Diplomat of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and is a certified cognitive therapist. He has trained over 20,000 professionals worldwide including audiences in all 50 United States, The UK, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Dr. Riggenbach is the author of seven publications including his most recent clinical release The CBT Toolbox (2nd ed): A Workbook for Clients and Clinicians (2021) and his brand new general audiences book “Disarming High Conflict Personalities: Dealing with the 8 Most Difficult People in Your Life Before you Burnout!” (2022). Jeff is known for bridging the gap between academia, research findings, and day-to-day clinical practice, and his work has earned him the reputation for being “the practical tools guy.” His seminars on CBT, DBT, and Schema-Focused Cognitive Therapy routinely receive the highest evaluations from conference participants in terms of clinical utility as well as entertainment value.

For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at

Featured Materials :

Course materials (including the link to join live events) are made available to live webinar attendees 24-48 hours before the event start time. Course materials for online asynchronous courses are found in the Lesson module after a course is purchased.

Live – Deep Dive Into New Cognitive Approaches for Trauma, PTSD & Addiction

Live – Deep Dive Into New Cognitive Approaches for Trauma, PTSD & Addiction

We know from the research that trauma most often precedes addiction. We also know that cognitive techniques carry a bulk of the research evidence for safe and effective treatment of most co-occurring mental health disorders. Given these documented outcomes, clinicians are beginning to find new ways to employ cognitive therapy mechanisms that pack a bigger punch than vanilla CBT. Just when you think you had cognitive therapy all figured out – wait for this one!

The relationship between trauma and addiction is becoming increasingly well established in the literature. This is no surprise, as clinicians working “in the trenches” know all too well that people with unresolved trauma and emotional wounds often turn to substances as a way to “numb out,” forget, or otherwise self-medicate to regulate their emotions. Conversely, people with addictive behavior disorders may drive while impaired, gravitate towards toxic relationships, go to dangerous places to get their substance of choice, or engage in many other behaviors that increase their risk of being traumatized and elevate their vulnerability factors for developing PTSD or other trauma and stress related disorders. It is also known that when cooccurrence is involved, this presents clinicians with a more complicated course of treatment and less favorable treatment outcomes than we see when clients present with only one or the other. The good news is, there is hope! While neuroscience has taught us much about this phenomenon in recent years, evidence-based Cognitive treatments are still show to be at least as effective as many “newer” approaches, and in some circles seem to have almost gotten lost in the shuffle.

Recent protocols have attempted to incorporate PE (prolonged exposure) and other cognitive behavioral treatments with substance use disorder treatments. While further research is needed in this area, the mandate for integration of treatments when dealing with this population seems integral to obtain more favorable outcomes for individuals with these complex conceptualizations. Leave this full-day online training led by international CBT expert Jeff Riggenbach, PhD, with an improved understanding of the neuroscience of trauma, an integrated approach to treating PTSD and addictions, as well as armed with a plethora of evidence-based, yet practical new tools to equip and empower this group to find levels of recovery that have previously eluded them!


Cost: $180 – Want to attend this event and any future event or course from our CE library for FREE and unlimited for the cost of $34.99/month for 12 months??!! Check out our Everything Plan here.



Attendance and Location Details


Date and Time


Friday, February 7, 2025, 9:00 am – 4:30 pm CST / 10:00am – 5:30pm EST / 7:00am – 2:30pm PST



*Live Webinar Attendees: Zoom link will be made available to you 24-48 hours prior to event date




The Relationship Between Trauma and Addiction (9:00 – 9:30)
– The role of defectiveness schemas and shame
– Reciprocal nature of the relationship and co-occurrence

Trauma and PTSD (9:30 – 10:30)
– Neurobiology of trauma
– DSM 5 Current symptom clusters

Addictive Behavior Disorders (10:30 – 11:00)
– Biological and Environmental Risk Factors
– Motivation for Usage
– DSM 5 Current and Proposed Disorders
– Gambling as first behavioral addiction

**BREAK – 11:00 – 11:15

Integrated Cognitive Model (11:15 – 12:15)
– Dialectical Behavior Therapy
– Standard CT
– Schemas driving Shame and Addiction
– Behavioral Pattern Breaking

**LUNCH BREAK – 12:15 – 1:15

Types of Interventions (1:15 – 2:00)
– Environmental Interventions
– Behavioral Interventions
– Mindfulness-Based Interventions
– Distraction techniques and indications for use
– Restructuring cognitions related to impulse control and safety

Cognitive Model of Addiction (2:00 – 2:30)
– Breaking destructive behavioral cycles
– Cognitive cue cards
– Behavioral coping cards

**BREAK – 2:30 – 2:45

Trauma and PTSD (2:45 – 3:45)
– 3 Stages of Treatment
– Psychoeducation and obtaining Informed Consent
– Grounding Exercises, Soothing Strategies, and Distraction Techniques
– Trauma Narrative Work
– Nightmare Rescripting and Imagery Rehearsal Therapy
– Restructuring Cognitions Related to Guilt and Shame
– Moral Injury, developing resilience and facilitating post-traumatic growth

Relapse Prevention, Q&A, and Wrap-up (3:45 – 4:30)



This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:

a). Learn and understand the relationship between trauma and addiction.

b). Identify the role of early maladaptive schemas in maintaining behavioral styles that keep these clients stuck in shame.

c). Learn and practice behavioral pattern-breaking tools for disrupting lifelong patterns of negative behavior.

d). Learn and understand how to equip clients with soothing, grounding, and other de-escalation skills to prepare clients to directly face traumatic memories.

e). Learn and practice conducting complex chain analysis to facilitate development of client impulse control.

f). Describe the three types of avoidance and explain to clients how they perpetuate PTSD symptoms.

g). Learn and practice the technique of writing out trauma narratives to confront cognitive content necessary for recovery.

h). Learn how to use rescripting nightmares to decrease or discontinue recurrent distressing dreams.

i). Utilize the silver lining technique to help clients facilitate acceptance, reclaim aspects of former self, and contribute to society in new and unique ways.

j). Learn to help clients silence their shame, come out of hiding, and promote post-traumatic growth for whole person recovery.

Target Audience:

Mental Health Clinicians & Therapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Counselors, School Personnel,  and Healthcare Workers.


Instructional Level: Intermediate

Instructor(s): Jeff Riggenbach, PhD

Material Author(s): Jeff Riggenbach, PhD

Jeff Riggenbach, PhD is a best-selling and award-winning author who has earned a reputation as an international expert in cognitive approaches to treating personality disorders. Over a 20-year period, he has developed and overseen CBT-based treatment programs for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, addictive behavior disorders and personality disorders at two different psychiatric hospitals and clinics serving over 3,000 clients at multiple levels of care. Dr. Riggenbach trained at the Beck Institute of Cognitive Therapy and Research in Philadelphia, is a Diplomat of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and is a certified cognitive therapist. He has trained over 20,000 professionals worldwide including audiences in all 50 United States, The UK, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Dr. Riggenbach is the author of seven publications including his most recent clinical release The CBT Toolbox (2nd ed): A Workbook for Clients and Clinicians (2021) and his brand new general audiences book “Disarming High Conflict Personalities: Dealing with the 8 Most Difficult People in Your Life Before you Burnout!” (2022). Jeff is known for bridging the gap between academia, research findings, and day-to-day clinical practice, and his work has earned him the reputation for being “the practical tools guy.” His seminars on CBT, DBT, and Schema-Focused Cognitive Therapy routinely receive the highest evaluations from conference participants in terms of clinical utility as well as entertainment value.

For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at

Featured Materials :

Course materials (including the link to view live events) are sent to webinar and in-person attendees 24-48 hours before the event start time. Course materials for online asynchronous courses are found in the Lesson module after a course is purchased.

Live – Autostress Disorders: Brain-Based Tools to Disrupt “False Alarm” Anxiety

Live – Autostress Disorders: Brain-Based Tools to Disrupt “False Alarm” Anxiety

The stress response is a primitive response system designed to protect us from danger. But some people experience various life events that can reprogram this system to turn on at the wrong time, resulting in recurring stress-based “false alarms” that result in anxiety disorders that can be extremely difficult to treat. A special approach that integrates an understanding of neuroscience, psychotherapy research, and proven therapy techniques can vastly improve treatment outcomes and bring lasting relief for clients stuck in “false alarm” purgatory.

Recent advances in neuroscience have increased our knowledge of how and why people change.Brain-based therapy synthesizes neuroscience, evidence-based treatment, psychotherapy research, and attachment theory into a hybrid therapeutic model.This seminar will examine how outcomes are enhanced by using brain-based therapy approaches with people who have been plagued by autostress disorders. Just as people with autoimmune disorders suffer from attacks on their bodies by their own immune system, people with anxiety suffer attacks by their stress system on their mind/brain/body. Their anxiety becomes an autostress disorder wherein their own stress system no longer protects them from danger, but alerts them to danger when there is none. Clients with anxiety disorders are confused by the symptoms,as well as by different therapists they encounter who ascribe to the various brand name therapies.


 Cost: $120 – Want ALL of your individual event registrations and course enrollments on our platform for FREE with exclusive member status??!! Join hundreds of your colleagues learning on our Everything Plan here.



Definition Overview (00:00 – 02:00)

  • Stress response systems and how anxiety gets ramped up.

Clinical Approaches (02:00 – 04:00)

  • Therapy approaches to alleviate anxiety


Attendance and Location Details


Date and Time


Friday, October 4th 2024 10:00am to 2:00pm CST / 11:00am to 3:00pm EST / 8:00am to 12:00pm PST


*Zoom link will be made available to you 24-48 hours prior to event date.



This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:

a). Explain how the memory systems can be dysregulated.

b). Explain how anxiety disorders ramp up the stress system.

c). Explain the common factors to evidence-based practices for PTSD.

d). Learn and describe ways to help people suffering from trauma.

e). Learn and describe how to help people with generalized anxiety disorder and panic.

Target Audience:

The target audience for this event includes psychologists, social workers, counselors, MFT’s, psychiatrists and other clinical mental health professionals.


Instructional Level: Intermediate

Instructor(s): John Arden, PhD, ABPP 

Material Author(s): John Arden, PhD, ABPP 

John Arden, PhD, ABPP, is the author of 15 books (translated into 20 languages), including his most recent, Rewire Your Brain 2.0, Mind-Brain-Gene: Toward Psychotherapy Integration. Brain2Brain, The Brain Bible, as well as Brain-Based Therapy with Adults and Brain-Based Therapy with Children and Adolescents. Dr. Arden previously served as Director of Training in Mental Health for Kaiser Permanente in the Northern California region. He oversaw the training programs in 24 medical centers where over 150 postdoctoral residents and interns are trained each year. This was one of the largest mental health training programs in the world. He has presented seminars and workshops in over 30 countries and in all US States.

For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at

Featured Materials :

Course materials (including the link to view live events) are made available to webinar and in-person attendees 24-48 hours before the event start time. Course materials for online asynchronous courses are found in the Lesson module after a course is purchased.

UPDATE!: Online CE Credits is now Social Worker CE Approved (ASWB ACE Provider #1974)