Live – Addressing Addiction in a Disconnected World: Practical Tools & Techniques

Live – Addressing Addiction in a Disconnected World: Practical Tools & Techniques

You are currently registered to attend:



Addressing Addiction in a Disconnected World: Practical Tools & Techniques (6 CE’s)


Date and Time


Friday, June 21, 2024

9:00 am – 4:30 pm CENTRAL TIME





If you miss this live event, you may request access to the recording and materials from us by email in about 4 weeks, at no additional charge. If you miss the event but still desire CE credit, you have already acknowledged at registration that you must purchase the home study course separately once it becomes available in about 4 weeks.




A beginning code word will be given at the start of this workshop verbally, as well as typed at the top of the chat dialogue within the first 10 minutes of the webinar. An ending code word will be given at the conclusion of the workshop verbally as well as typed into the chat dialogue.


We are only permitted to give these out once. These code words are used to verify attendance as required by our national CE provider credentialing bodies. Therefore we ask that you take special care to be present and pay attention as these code words are given so that you can log attendance to receive a CE completion certificate.


The event starts at 9:00am CENTRAL TIME. You will be given a code word at the beginning and end of the workshop.

After the event concludes, within 3 days you must access the course module for your event under “Your Courses” in your Online CE Credits Dashboard (you’re taken to the Dashboard immediately after logging into www.onlinececredits.com). Once there, scroll all the way down to the Course Content section where you’ll see the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and Evaluation “quiz.” Click the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and answer the beginning and ending code words. From there, you’ll be taken to the Evaluation module to complete a short eval before receiving your official signed completion certificate for “live” CE credit.


Below are the webinar links for both the Zoom livestream and the materials in the Google Drive:



You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Friday Jun 21, 2024 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Addressing Addiction in a Disconnected World: Practical Tools & Techniques (6 CE’s)

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 359888

Or One tap mobile:
+13126266799,,98935960185#,,,,*359888# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,98935960185#,,,,*359888# US
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 205 0468 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 360 209 5623 US
Webinar ID: 989 3596 0185
Passcode: 359888

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/adq5phXomB

Link to the slides and supplemental materials:




Live – Personality Disorder Treatment Toolkit: From Domination to Collaboration

Live – Personality Disorder Treatment Toolkit: From Domination to Collaboration

You are currently registered to attend:

Personality Disorder Treatment Toolkit: From Domination to Collaboration (6 CE’s)



Date and Time



February 16, 2024
9:00 am – 4:30 pm Central Standard Time (CST)



If you miss this live event, you may request access to the recording and materials from us by email in about 4 weeks, at no additional charge. If you miss the event but still desire CE credit, you have already acknowledged at registration that you must purchase the home study course separately once it becomes available in about 4 weeks.


A beginning code word will be given at the start of this workshop verbally, as well as typed at the top of the chat dialogue within the first 10 minutes of the webinar. An ending code word will be given at the conclusion of the workshop verbally as well as typed into the chat dialogue.

We are only permitted to give these out once. These code words are used to verify attendance as required by our national CE provider credentialing bodies. Therefore we ask that you take special care to be present and pay attention as these code words are given so that you can log attendance to receive a CE completion certificate.

The event starts at 9:00am CENTRAL TIME. You will be given a code word at the beginning and end of the workshop.

After the event concludes, within 3 days you must access the course module for your event under “Your Courses” in your Online CE Credits Dashboard (you’re taken to the Dashboard immediately after logging into www.onlinececredits.com). Once there, scroll all the way down to the Course Content section where you’ll see the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and Evaluation “quiz.” Click the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and answer the beginning and ending code words. From there, you’ll be taken to the Evaluation module to complete a short eval before receiving your official signed completion certificate for “live” CE credit.

Below are the webinar links for both the Zoom livestream and the materials in the Google Drive:


You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Friday Feb 16, 2024 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Personality Disorder Treatment Toolkit: From Domination to Collaboration (6 CE’s)Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 652996

Or One tap mobile:
+13092053325,,97182970312#,,,,*652996# US
+13126266799,,97182970312#,,,,*652996# US (Chicago)
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
+1 309 205 3325 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 444 9171 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 205 0468 US
Webinar ID: 971 8297 0312
Passcode: 652996

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/acyTtfzPWB
Live – Treating OCD in the Neurodiverse Client: ERP Adaptations for Autism

Live – Treating OCD in the Neurodiverse Client: ERP Adaptations for Autism

You are currently registered to attend:


Treating OCD in the Neurodiverse Client: ERP Adaptations for Autism (3 CE’s)



Date and Time


August 9, 2024

10:00 am – 1:00 pm CENTRAL TIME



If you miss this live event, you may request access to the recording and materials from us by email in about 4 weeks, at no additional charge. If you miss the event but still desire CE credit, you have already acknowledged at registration that you must purchase the home study course separately once it becomes available in about 4 weeks.


A beginning code word will be given at the start of this workshop verbally, as well as typed at the top of the chat dialogue within the first 10 minutes of the webinar. An ending code word will be given at the conclusion of the workshop verbally as well as typed into the chat dialogue.

We are only permitted to give these out once. These code words are used to verify attendance as required by our national CE provider credentialing bodies. Therefore we ask that you take special care to be present and pay attention as these code words are given so that you can log attendance to receive a CE completion certificate.

The event starts at 10:00am CENTRAL TIME. You will be given a code word at the beginning and end of the workshop.

After the event concludes, within 3 days you must access the course module for your event under “Your Courses” in your Online CE Credits Dashboard (you’re taken to the Dashboard immediately after logging into www.onlinececredits.com). Once there, scroll all the way down to the Course Content section where you’ll see the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and Evaluation “quiz.” Click the Code Word Attendance “quiz” and answer the beginning and ending code words. From there, you’ll be taken to the Evaluation module to complete a short eval before receiving your official signed completion certificate for “live” CE credit.

Below are the webinar links for both the Zoom livestream and the materials in the Google Drive:

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Friday Aug 9, 2024 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Treating OCD in the Neurodiverse Client: ERP Adaptations for Autism (3 CE’s)

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 526490

Or One tap mobile:
+16469313860,,93215859560#,,,,*526490# US
+19292056099,,93215859560#,,,,*526490# US (New York)
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
+1 646 931 3860 US
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 360 209 5623 US
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 689 278 1000 US
Webinar ID: 932 1585 9560
Passcode: 526490

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/acKuLXGJr4

Link to the slides and supplemental materials:



Forensic Mental Health Counseling: Roles, Responsibilities, & Evidence-Based Practices

Forensic Mental Health Counseling: Roles, Responsibilities, & Evidence-Based Practices

Date course created: October 2023

Learning some basic skills about how to confidently work with clients when therapy intersects with legal and judicial processes is a fantastic set of skills that can help you provide better, more culturally-informed care for those in the greatest need of mental health services.

Forensic mental counselors are professionals who work at the intersection of the mental health and criminal justice and legal systems. This role is particularly salient because individuals entangled in the criminal justice system are significantly more likely to suffer from mental illness, neurocognitive and neurodevelopmental disorders than the general population. Elevated rates of mental illness include psychotic (e.g., schizophrenia), mood (e.g., depression and mania), personality (e.g., antisocial and borderline personality disorders), substance use, traumatic (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder), behavioral (e.g., attention-deficit hyperactivity and conduct disorder), and attachment disorders. If untreated, these neuropsychiatric issues can exacerbate the likelihood of persistent involvement in the criminal justice system. As such, forensic mental health counselors play an important role in enhancing short and long-term outcomes for clients and improving public safety. This training provides participants with an overview of the roles and responsibilities forensic mental health counselors. Participants will become familiar with common barriers and challenges many criminal justice-based populations face when returning to the community from a confinement setting. Evidence-based practices commonly used within the field of forensic mental health counseling will also be a topic of discussion in this training. Special topics of discussion will include criminal recidivism, confabulation, suggestibility, forensic aspects of personality disorders and serious and persistent mental illness, empathy deficits, alexithymia, self-control problems, executive dysfunction and metacognitive deficits, sleep disorders, psychopathy, sexual offending, social cognition deficits, and traumatic-brain injury to name a few. Throughout this training, participants will critically evaluate peer reviewed research findings on various topics related to forensic mental health counseling. Empirically based research findings will be discussed throughout this training.



**This is a 2.75-CE noninteractive, self-paced online video course delivered in home study format via an industry-standard online learning platform**




00:00 – 01:00: Neurocounseling and Biopsychosocial Assessment

01:00 – 02:00: Trauma-Informed Assessments

02:00 – 03:00: Interventions in Forensic Mental Health Counseling



This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:

a). After completing this training, participants will be able to define forensic mental health counseling and other related topics.

b). After completing this training, participants will be able to learn and describe the roles and responsibilities of a forensic mental counselor.

c). After completing this training, participants will be able to describe at least two evidence-based practices commonly used within the field of forensic mental health counseling.

d). After completing this training, participants will be able to learn at least two interviewing, screening, and intervention approaches through a forensic mental health counseling lens.

e). After completing this training, participants will be able to learn and understand relevant, key empirically-based research findings.



Target Audience:

Mental health counselors, psychologists, social workers, drug and alcohol counselors, marriage and family therapists, telehealth treatment professionals, and other clinical mental health professionals.


Instructional Level: Intermediate

Instructor(s): Jerrod Brown, PhD, MA, MS, MS, MS

Material Author(s): Jerrod Brown, PhD, MA, MS, MS, MS

Jerrod Brown, Ph.D., M.A., M.S., M.S., M.S., is a professor, trainer, researcher, and consultant with multiple years of experience teaching collegiate courses. Jerrod is also the founder and CEO of the American Institute for the Advancement of Forensic Studies (AIAFS). Jerrod has also provided consultation services to a number of caregivers, professionals, and organizations pertaining to topics related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), confabulation, suggestibility, trauma and other life adversities, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and youth firesetting. Jerrod has completed four separate master’s degree programs and holds graduate certificates in Neuropsychology, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Other Health Disabilities (OHD), and Traumatic-Brain Injuries (TBI). Jerrod has also conducted over 200 workshops, webinars, and on-demand trainings for various organizations and professional and student audiences. In 2021, Jerrod completed a post-doctoral certificate in Leadership and Organizational Strategy from Walden University and a Professional Certificate in Forensic Psychology from San Diego State University Global Campus. Currently, Jerrod is pursuing a graduate certificate in Neuroscience and the Law from Michigan State University. Jerrod has published several articles and book chapters, and recently, co-edited the book Forensic Mental Health: A Source Guide for Professionals (Brown & Weinkauf, 2018) with Erv Weinkauf. Jerrod is also regularly featured on several national and international podcast programs. Email: Jerrod01234Brown@live.com

For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at content@onlinececredits.com.

Course Materials & Delivery Method:


  • Course materials – The course is composed of a recorded presentation and written materials (e.g. a slide deck and/or other worksheets, manuals, or handouts as provided by the instructor). The slide deck and any additional worksheets or handouts (as provided by the instructor) are made available inside the Lesson module after a course is purchased.
  • Delivery Method – this course is a recorded asynchronous, self-paced webinar training, and there is no access time limit or due date to complete it once enrolled. The enrolled learner will stream the recorded presentation and view the materials from their internet connected device via an industry-standard online learning platform.


CE Approvals:


Online CE Credits has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6795. Programs that do not quality for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Online CE Credits is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.


Mind Works Professional Education, Inc. DBA Online CE Credits, #1974, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: July 23, 2024 – July 23, 2025. Social workers completing this course receive 2.75 clinical continuing education credits.



Other Helpful Information:


  • Refund & Cancellation Policy – you may review this policy at any time by clicking here.
  • Accessibility Accommodations – if you require a reasonable accommodation for any reason, please email your request to cc@onlinececredits.com
  • Course Completion Requirements – 1.) View the entire Lesson module (accessible from the main course page), to include the embedded and/or linked presentation video(s), slide deck, additional materials, and/or links to any shared video clip(s) that may have been edited from the presentation video(s) to comply with copyright laws. 2.) Click into the Quiz module accessible from either the main course page or the Lesson page and complete the Quiz with an 80% or better pass rate. 3.) Complete the course evaluation – you’ll be sent to the evaluation automatically once you successfully pass the Quiz.
  • Posttest Requirements – you must answer 80% or more of the Quiz questions correctly to pass. If you fail to pass the first time, you may attempt the quiz again until you are able to pass with a score of 80% or better. Quizzes are graded instantly and automatically by the learning management system once your attempt is submitted.
  • Certificate of Completion – certificates of completion are automatically generated – downloadable from your Dashboard and emailed to you – once you view the Lesson materials and complete the Quiz and the course evaluation.
  • How to Enroll – Login to the website first if you already have a user account. If not, you will create your permanent user account login information during course enrollment. Select the appropriate course library using the top menu of the website. Once inside your chosen course library, find and select your desired course to be taken to the main course page. Click the button on the top banner to enroll. When the order window pops up, enter your details and place your order. You will be emailed an enrollment confirmation message, and you’ll be sent to a landing page instructing you how to begin your newly enrolled course.
  • System Requirements
    • Recommended Devices: Desktop, Laptop, or Tablet computer. (Note: Our platform is mobile responsive and may be fully accessed from a connected smartphone).
    • Suggested Browsers: Updated version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.
    • Recommended Network: Home wifi, ethernet, or a public wifi with VPN (Note: agency or corporate networks are often equipped with restrictive firewalls that may adversely impact your experience on our platform).
    • Recommended speed/bandwidth: Minimum download speed > 20Mbps and minimum upload speed > 6Mbps.
Criminal Offenders: Impulse Control & Conduct Disorder Profiles, Screening, & Interventions

Criminal Offenders: Impulse Control & Conduct Disorder Profiles, Screening, & Interventions

Date course created: October 2023

What separates a person prone to anger outbursts, defiant behavior, and impulse control issues who doesn’t commit crimes from another person with the same behavior and emotional profile who does go on to commit criminal acts? If we can effectively screen for this combination, then we are well on our way to being able to understand it, and then treat it toward prevention. Join Dr. Jerrod Brown as he takes you on a journey into conduct disorder and disruptive, impulse control behavior profiles and how they may be associated with a propensity to commit violent crime. After taking this training, you will be equipped with the skills to prevent the possible commission of a violent act before it occurs, helping to potentially save multiple lives in the process!

Disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders are characterized by symptoms of aggression, angry outbursts, antisocial behaviors, self-control problems, defiance of authority figures, impulsivity, and uncooperative and defiant behaviors. In combination with other environmental, family, socio-emotional, and physical health factors, these multi-faceted conditions can contribute to a host of consequences, including an increased risk of criminality. This training is designed to increase understanding of the causes, consequences, and implications these disorders have on criminal offending behavior. Interviewing, screening, ans intervention approaches will also be discussed in this training. Related topics considered during this training will include criminal recidivism, anger, violence, and aggression, rumination, psychopathology, adverse childhood experiences, alexithymia, metacognition, substance misuse, head trauma, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis dysregulation, central, nervous system dysfunction, impulsivity, theory of mind, adaptive functioning, sleep problems, special needs populations, and antisocial behavior to name a few. Empirically based research findings will be discussed throughout this training.



**This is a 3-CE noninteractive, self-paced online video course delivered in home study format via an industry-standard online learning platform**




00:00 – 01:00: Neurocriminology and Impulsive Disorders

01:00 – 02:00: Justice Involved Youth and Conduct Disorder

02:00 – 03:00: Social and Individual Intervention Considerations



This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:

a). After completing this training, participants will be able to define disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders.

b). After completing this training, participants will be able to learn and describe the common causes and consequences associated with disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders.

c). After completing this training, participants will be able to learn and understand at least 3 interviewing, screening, and intervention options.

d). After completing this training, participants will be able to understand and describe the role and impact disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders have on criminal offending behavior.

e). After completing this training, participants will be able to acquire an understanding of the existing empirical research on disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders.


Target Audience:

Mental health counselors, psychologists, social workers, drug and alcohol counselors, marriage and family therapists, telehealth treatment professionals, and other clinical mental health professionals.


Instructional Level: Intermediate

Instructor(s): Jerrod Brown, PhD, MA, MS, MS, MS

Material Author(s): Jerrod Brown, PhD, MA, MS, MS, MS

Jerrod Brown, Ph.D., M.A., M.S., M.S., M.S., is a professor, trainer, researcher, and consultant with multiple years of experience teaching collegiate courses. Jerrod is also the founder and CEO of the American Institute for the Advancement of Forensic Studies (AIAFS). Jerrod has also provided consultation services to a number of caregivers, professionals, and organizations pertaining to topics related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD), fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), confabulation, suggestibility, trauma and other life adversities, traumatic brain injury (TBI), and youth firesetting. Jerrod has completed four separate master’s degree programs and holds graduate certificates in Neuropsychology, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Other Health Disabilities (OHD), and Traumatic-Brain Injuries (TBI). Jerrod has also conducted over 200 workshops, webinars, and on-demand trainings for various organizations and professional and student audiences. In 2021, Jerrod completed a post-doctoral certificate in Leadership and Organizational Strategy from Walden University and a Professional Certificate in Forensic Psychology from San Diego State University Global Campus. Currently, Jerrod is pursuing a graduate certificate in Neuroscience and the Law from Michigan State University. Jerrod has published several articles and book chapters, and recently, co-edited the book Forensic Mental Health: A Source Guide for Professionals (Brown & Weinkauf, 2018) with Erv Weinkauf. Jerrod is also regularly featured on several national and international podcast programs. Email: Jerrod01234Brown@live.com

For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at content@onlinececredits.com.

Course Materials & Delivery Method:


  • Course materials – The course is composed of a recorded presentation and written materials (e.g. a slide deck and/or other worksheets, manuals, or handouts as provided by the instructor). The slide deck and any additional worksheets or handouts (as provided by the instructor) are made available inside the Lesson module after a course is purchased.
  • Delivery Method – this course is a recorded asynchronous, self-paced webinar training, and there is no access time limit or due date to complete it once enrolled. The enrolled learner will stream the recorded presentation and view the materials from their internet connected device via an industry-standard online learning platform.


CE Approvals:


Online CE Credits has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6795. Programs that do not quality for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Online CE Credits is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.


Mind Works Professional Education, Inc. DBA Online CE Credits, #1974, is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: July 23, 2024 – July 23, 2025. Social workers completing this course receive 3 clinical continuing education credits.



Other Helpful Information:


  • Refund & Cancellation Policy – you may review this policy at any time by clicking here.
  • Accessibility Accommodations – if you require a reasonable accommodation for any reason, please email your request to cc@onlinececredits.com
  • Course Completion Requirements – 1.) View the entire Lesson module (accessible from the main course page), to include the embedded and/or linked presentation video(s), slide deck, additional materials, and/or links to any shared video clip(s) that may have been edited from the presentation video(s) to comply with copyright laws. 2.) Click into the Quiz module accessible from either the main course page or the Lesson page and complete the Quiz with an 80% or better pass rate. 3.) Complete the course evaluation – you’ll be sent to the evaluation automatically once you successfully pass the Quiz.
  • Posttest Requirements – you must answer 80% or more of the Quiz questions correctly to pass. If you fail to pass the first time, you may attempt the quiz again until you are able to pass with a score of 80% or better. Quizzes are graded instantly and automatically by the learning management system once your attempt is submitted.
  • Certificate of Completion – certificates of completion are automatically generated – downloadable from your Dashboard and emailed to you – once you view the Lesson materials and complete the Quiz and the course evaluation.
  • How to Enroll – Login to the website first if you already have a user account. If not, you will create your permanent user account login information during course enrollment. Select the appropriate course library using the top menu of the website. Once inside your chosen course library, find and select your desired course to be taken to the main course page. Click the button on the top banner to enroll. When the order window pops up, enter your details and place your order. You will be emailed an enrollment confirmation message, and you’ll be sent to a landing page instructing you how to begin your newly enrolled course.
  • System Requirements
    • Recommended Devices: Desktop, Laptop, or Tablet computer. (Note: Our platform is mobile responsive and may be fully accessed from a connected smartphone).
    • Suggested Browsers: Updated version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari.
    • Recommended Network: Home wifi, ethernet, or a public wifi with VPN (Note: agency or corporate networks are often equipped with restrictive firewalls that may adversely impact your experience on our platform).
    • Recommended speed/bandwidth: Minimum download speed > 20Mbps and minimum upload speed > 6Mbps.