Research shows using creativity, play and expressive arts in supervision can help strengthen trust and processing in the supervisory relationship. This training will discuss how to enhance supervision to make it creative, exciting and intentional while building clinical skills for your supervisee. Participants will walk away with interventions to use immediately in group and individual supervision to foster clinical skills and personal growth. Lecture, experiential learning and video components will be utilized to enhance your supervisor skills.
a). Identify and explain the role and responsibilities of the clinical supervisor.
b). Describe the research demonstrating the benefits of using expressive arts and creative techniques in the supervision process.
c). Name 7 creative & play techniques to use in clinical supervision.
Instructional Level: Intermediate
Instructor(s): Ragan Snyder-Smith, LSCSW, RPT-S
Material Author(s): Ragan Snyder-Smith, LSCSW, RPT-S
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