Microaggressions are defined as indirect, subtle, or unintentional acts of discrimination against members of minoritized and marginalized groups. The impact of microaggressions can be more detrimental, in some cases, than more overt forms of racism and discrimination we are all familiar with.
Unfortunately, these more subtle microaggressions are an extremely common experience amongst minority individuals today; therefore, to practice ethically, it is essential that mental health clinicians obtain the knowledge, skills and ability to both help clients navigate such experiences and prevent further harm by avoiding inadvertent microaggressions in therapy practice.
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This training will provide participants clinical knowledge and tools to:
a). Define and describe the connection between implicit bias, stereotyping, and microaggressions.
b). Identify at least two examples of how microaggressions show up in the therapeutic relationship.
c). Evaluate and explain the impact microaggressions may have on the receiver of such attacks.
d). Explore and learn to apply strategies to practice cultural humility and mitigate harm in the therapeutic relationship.
e). Learn and practice strategies to work effectively and ethically with clients who have experienced microaggressions.
f). State at least two considerations from your profession’s ethics code that apply to preventing and addressing microaggressions in therapy.
Target Audience:
Mental Health Clinicians & Therapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Marriage & Family Therapists, Counselors, School Personnel, Youth Development Workers; Healthcare Workers
Instructional Level: Intermediate
Instructor(s): Crystal Rozelle–Bennett, LMSW
Material Author(s): Crystal Rozelle–Bennett, LMSW
For additional information about this course, the instructors, or the material authors, please contact Content Assistance at content@onlinececredits.com.
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