Trauma Treatment On-Demand CEU Courses

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Our Asynchronous Course Offerings

Online CE Credits provides high-quality online CEUs for counselors, therapists, social workers, and psychologists.

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“Reefer Renaissance”: Marijuana Use & PTSD – Implications for Treatment


Attitudes about marijuana are shifting, and we are seeing increasing rates of legal consumption for both recreational and health reasons. Recent widespread use of marijuana has many clinicians wondering "how does daily marijuana use impact PTSD and our ability to treat it?" Dr. Jennifer Sweeton will discuss marijuana's effect on the brain and its overall impact on the effectiveness of therapy!

Media Type :


CEs: 1.75 CE Credit(s)

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“Felt Sense” Polyvagal Model: Re-envisioning Trauma & Addiction Treatment

Instructor: Jan Winhall, MSW, FOT

Our current brain disease model of trauma/addiction desperately needs a fresh approach, one that honors the wisdom of the body. The Felt Sense Polyvagal Model™ (FSPM) shifts the current pathologizing paradigm to a strength-based approach. A mixture of didactic information, experiential practices, demonstrations, and case examples will guide the clinician in applying the model.

Media Type :


CEs: 2.5 CE Credit(s)

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“Out of It”: Trauma-Related Dissociation & Powerful Tools to Promote Reconnection

Instructor: Kathy Steele, MN, CS

Many trauma courses touch on dissociation as a symptom, but very few trainings dive into dissociation as its own phenomenon, exploring its common presentations, various drivers, and targeted interventions. Dissociation is mysterious and can be intimidating to work with, but it doesn't have to be with the right training and practice!

Media Type :


CEs: 5.75 CE Credit(s)

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ACT for Moral Injury: From Violated Values to Fostering Forgiveness

Instructor: Wyatt Evans, PhD, ABPP

Suffering moral injury can be psychologically devastating, especially in the most extreme circumstances (e.g. a cop taking the life of a child, a soldier killing the enemy). Learn how to use Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to facilitate healing for the most crippling and mentally destructive moral wounds your clients may suffer.

Media Type :


CEs: 3.75 CE Credit(s)

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ACT for Trauma & PTSD: Integrative Neuroscience-Informed Applications

Instructor: Emily Wharton, PsyD

More recent research is exploring Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) as an effective approach alongside exposure-based strategies in the treatment of trauma & PTSD. Join Stanford psychologist Dr. Emily Wharton as she teaches you intuitive ACT skills you can use to drive better therapeutic engagement, compliance, and lasting trauma recovery!

Media Type :


CEs: 5.75 CE Credit(s)

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Advanced EMDR Skills for Complex Trauma

Instructor: Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA

This course builds on basic skill-building EMDR courses, teaching clinicians how to work with complex trauma utilizing EMDR. We recommend taking "EMDR Skills for Trauma Treatment" first.

Media Type :


CEs: 6 CE Credit(s)

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Autism Treatment From a Trauma Perspective

Instructor: Robert Cox, LPC

We'll dive deep into autism and its diagnosis and treatment, including case studies from speaker Robert Cox's own history with the disorder.  Assessment, treatment modalities (including play therapy), and methods for improving outcomes will also be covered.

Media Type :


CEs: 4.5 CE Credit(s)

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Autostress Disorders: Brain-Based Tools to Disrupt “False Alarm” Anxiety

Instructor: John Arden, PhD, ABPP

Just as the body's immune system can attack itself with a "good response gone bad", so can the body's stress response become stuck in a pattern of "false alarms" resulting in misfiring stress responses that turn into chronic anxiety disorders. Learn how to help people with Autostress disorders retune their nervous system and manage anxiety for good!

Media Type :


CEs: 3.5 CE Credit(s)

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Brain-Based Trauma Treatment

Instructor: Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA

Neuroscience research is providing insight into why, when, and with whom specific psychotherapeutic approaches may be beneficial. However, translating neuroscience research into practice can be a daunting task.

Media Type :


CEs: 5.5 CE Credit(s)

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Clinically Interviewing Trauma Clients Without Retraumatization

Instructor: Jerrod Brown, PhD, MA, MS, MS, MS

Enhance your clinical interviewing skills through a trauma-informed framework. We'll examine the core principles of trauma-informed care and trauma-informed interviewing practices to vastly improve your information-gathering without retraumatizing clients.

Media Type :


CEs: 1.75 CE Credit(s)

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Cognitive Therapy Techniques for Trauma, PTSD, & Co-Occurring Addiction

Instructor: Jeff Riggenbach, Ph.D.

People with unresolved trauma and emotional wounds often turn to substances as a way to self-medicate; And, people with addictions may drive while impaired, gravitate towards toxic relationships, or generally engage in behaviors that increase their risk of being traumatized. Learn straightforward and effective cognitive strategies you can use in practice tomorrow to help these clients reclaim adaptive life control.

Media Type :


CEs: 2.75 CE Credit(s)

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Complex Trauma: Screening, Treatment Considerations, & Common Concerns

Instructor: Jerrod Brown, PhD, MA, MS, MS, MS

Get up-to-date on your research knowledge around the development of complex trauma and its effects on mental health. Learn the impacts of complex trauma on the family system, how to screen for CT, common resulting disorders, and treatment considerations.

Media Type :


CEs: 1.75 CE Credit(s)

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Criminal Offenders & Adverse Childhood Experiences – Complex Trauma Screening & Interventions

Instructor: Jerrod Brown, PhD, MA, MS, MS, MS

The CDC-Kaiser ACEs study of the mid-90's was one of the largest studies ever conducted to measure the prevalence and make-up of childhood abuse and neglect. The core of the study - the effect of early childhood abuse - informs virtually EVERY aspect of modern trauma treatment. These early experiences are also a significant contributing factor to criminal offending behavior, a problem of epidemic proportion that deserves our clinical time and attention.

Media Type :


CEs: 3 CE Credit(s)

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Death by a Thousand Nicks: Healing the Wounds of Racial Trauma

Instructor: Crystal Rozelle–Bennett, LMSW

This workshop will utilize the ACE's studies to discuss how racial trauma impacts the physical, social, and psychological health of individuals and communities. Participants will recognize systemic oppression, confront implicit bias and engage in dialogue around racial healing.

Media Type :


CEs: 5 CE Credit(s)

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Deep Dive Into New Cognitive Approaches for Trauma, PTSD & Addiction

Instructor: Jeff Riggenbach, Ph.D.

We know from the research that trauma most often precedes addiction. We also know that cognitive techniques carry a bulk of the research evidence for safe and effective treatment of most co-occurring mental health disorders. Given these documented outcomes, clinicians are beginning to find new ways to employ cognitive therapy mechanisms that pack a bigger punch than vanilla CBT. Just when you think you had cognitive therapy all figured out - wait for this one!

Media Type :


CEs: 5.5 CE Credit(s)

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Early Trauma, Attachment, and Repair

Instructor: Robert Cox, LPC

This course covers how trauma affects brain development, associated early attachment and attunement issues, and brain plasticity's role in healing psychological trauma.

Media Type :


CEs: 5.5 CE Credit(s)

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EMDR Skills for Trauma Treatment

Instructor: Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA

This affordable 2-day course introduces attendees to the original 8-phase model of EMDR and teaches participants how to conduct each of the eight phases.

Media Type :


CEs: 8.75 CE Credit(s)

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Erotic Self-Expansion for Sexual Trauma Survivors

Instructor: Rafaella Smith-Fiallo, LCSW

Many standard approaches to sexual trauma treatment largely neglect substantial focus on repairing connection to desire and sexual embodiment as a part of the journey to overall wellness. Help your clients find what may be missing with the erotic self-expansion model.

Media Type :


CEs: 2.5 CE Credit(s)

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How Sleep Relates to Trauma and Promotes Resilience

Instructor: Jerrod Brown, PhD, MA, MS, MS, MS

We'll examine how adequate sleep promotes resilience following exposure to a traumatic event. Learn consequences associated with poor sleep and strategies/techniques that may improve overall sleep quality among trauma survivors. We'll cover implications for screening and intervention.

Media Type :


CEs: 1.25 CE Credit(s)

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Introduction to Prolonged Exposure Therapy Skills: A Step-By-Step

Instructor: Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA

We'll introduce attendees to PE, and provide step-by-step experiential training in this exposure-based modality. Learn how to integrate exposure therapy skills to help traumatized clients! All materials, including instructions for key PE skills, are included with the course!

Media Type :


CEs: 11 CE Credit(s)

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Neural Desensitization to Accelerate Trauma Recovery: NDIT Level 2 Training

Instructor: Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA

Taught by a Stanford-trained neuroscientist, learn the advanced skills of Neural Desensitization and Integration Training. Apply advanced NDIT to heal complicated developmental trauma and dive deeper into neural integration and resource creation. Complete Level 1 first - this is NDIT Level 2 training (applicable toward full certification, available beginning 2025).

Media Type :


CEs: 12.5 CE Credit(s)

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Neuroscience Implications and Intensive Treatment for Complex Trauma

Instructor: Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA

We'll cover the neuroscience of trauma and complex trauma, diagnosis and assessment, stabilization techniques, and evidence-based treatments for complex trauma. Learn strategies and interventions from EMDR, CBT, somatic approaches, and narrative therapy.

Media Type :


CEs: 11.75 CE Credit(s)

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Neuroscience of Complex Trauma – Treatment Tools

Instructor: Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA

Learn about the neural bases of childhood (developmental/complex) trauma and the sequelae of such trauma. Course provides roadmaps for treating complex trauma in both adult survivors of childhood trauma and traumatized children.

Media Type :


CEs: 5 CE Credit(s)

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Personality and Dissociative Disorders: Trauma, Coping and Repair

Instructor: Robert Cox, LPC

This workshop will explore the link between trauma, dissociation and both dissociative and personality disorders. We will discuss how the brain is changed by trauma and how dissociative and personality disorders develop through attachment and attunement disruptions early in life.

Media Type :


CEs: 4.5 CE Credit(s)

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Sensorimotor Therapy Techniques for Trauma Treatment: Practical Skills*

Instructor: Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA

Research is increasingly showing the importance of working with the body when treating trauma. Many evidence-based therapies de-emphasize somatic work, focusing instead on cognitive techniques. When clients can re-connect with their own bodies, a sense of safety is restored, making the traditional top-down approaches more effective.

Media Type :


CEs: 5.5 CE Credit(s)

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Sexual Trauma & How it Leads to Grief: Treating the “Other Side” of Trauma

Instructor: Tiffani Dilworth, LCPC, CGCS

What is the difference between PTSD and grief? How does grief relate to sexual trauma specifically and why is it important to know how grief plays into sexual trauma? Learn interventions and therapies that will help you address grief in the context of sexual trauma, moving your clients into resilience and long term healing.

Media Type :


CEs: 1.75 CE Credit(s)

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Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Skills for Trauma Treatment

Instructor: Jodi Ann Geis-Crowder, MS, LPC, ACS

Learn evidence-informed solution-focused brief therapy tools and techniques that can be used with clients who have experienced trauma. Help clients effectively develop and consistently deploy healthy coping mechanisms when trauma triggers reoccur.

Media Type :


CEs: 2.5 CE Credit(s)

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Trauma Assessment and Treatment Planning: Ethical Considerations


An overview of ethical considerations associated with the assessment and treatment of trauma and stressor-related disorders in adults. We'll cover multiple trauma-focused assessment tools and strategies, diagnostic considerations, and treatment planning for traumatized clients.

Media Type :


CEs: 3 CE Credit(s)

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Trauma Exposure and Sleep Disturbances

Instructor: Jerrod Brown, PhD, MA, MS, MS, MS

We'll provide attendees with a working understanding of the definitions, causes, and consequences of trauma and its impact on sleep health. We'll expand into executive and adaptive functioning, ACE's, attachment, substance use disorders, and mental illness.

Media Type :


CEs: 1.25 CE Credit(s)

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Trauma in the Family: Concrete Skills to Achieve Long-term Healing & Stability

Instructor: Nathan Croy, MA, LCMFT

Trauma is pervasive, and it can even jeopardize the health and function of an entire family. How do we treat this situation, where do we start?!! This course offers concrete strategies, comprehensive plans, insights, and treatment approaches to help you move families forward with results.

Media Type :


CEs: 11.25 CE Credit(s)

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Trauma Treatment Skills for Survivors of Domestic Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence

Instructor: Christiane Sanderson, BSc., MSc.

Join internationally known British trauma psychologist, trainer, BBC TV consultant, and author Christiane Sanderson for a deep dive into her Power Threat Meaning Framework and Trauma Informed Practice. Learn modern research informed best practice for treating survivors of domestic abuse and intimate partner violence.

Media Type :


CEs: 5.25 CE Credit(s)

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Treating Complex Trauma With Internal Family Systems: Evidence-Based Tools

Instructor: Frank Anderson, MD

Join Harvard psychiatrist, trauma expert, and leading IFS trainer Dr. Frank Anderson as he teaches using "parts" to help your trauma clients heal organically using their natural strengths and protective factors. Full-day workshop includes experiential training to put IFS theory into effective practice!

Media Type :


CEs: 5.75 CE Credit(s)

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Treating Trauma Using Somatic Experiencing

Instructor: Tonya Miles, PsyD

Somatic Experiencing, created by Peter Levine, is a method of treatment for trauma symptoms to develop nervous system regulation. The focus is on the mind-body connection and incorporates the physical (somatic) sensations and experiences to process and integrate trauma.

Media Type :


CEs: 2.75 CE Credit(s)

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When Trauma is Current: Treating Clients with Ongoing Traumatic Stressors


When most of us think of trauma treatment, we think of our clients who've suffered a difficult childhood or event that occurred in the past - but what about trauma happening right now? Learn to deploy the best techniques to treat ongoing trauma: racism, sexism, systemic inequalities, current events, etc.

Media Type :


CEs: 2.5 CE Credit(s)

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Why Race Matters: Understanding Racial Identity and Racial Trauma

Instructor: Lea Vincent, MA, PLPC, NCC

We'll cover the dynamics of racial identity for African Americans and white Americans, as well as dissect how racial trauma has impacted that formation. Such subjects as discrimination and implicit bias will be explored along with suggestions on how to utilize this information in practice.

Media Type :


CEs: 2.5 CE Credit(s)

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Working With Post-Trauma Guilt and Moral Injury

Instructor: Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA

Overwhelming feelings of self-blame and shame present some of the toughest treatment challenges working with trauma survivors. Learn nine steps for addressing, managing, and reducing moral injury, which can occur when clients believe that a trauma was a result of their own actions.

Media Type :


CEs: 1.5 CE Credit(s)

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Written Exposure Therapy: Evidence-Based Tools for Trauma & PTSD

Instructor: Jennifer Sweeton, PsyD, MS, MA

Not many people know that Written Exposure Therapy (WET) is an evidence-based brief trauma approach that was recently declared a first-line PTSD therapy in the VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines. Extra useful for both online therapy and in-person therapy, take away tools to induce exposure in a novel and controlled fashion your clients can get behind!

Media Type :


CEs: 5.75 CE Credit(s)

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